MSNBC's Carlson on Obama: “He seems like kind of a wuss”

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On the July 2 edition of MSNBC's Tucker, host Tucker Carlson said of presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL): “He seems like kind of a wuss.” Carlson made this comment after claiming that in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, “Someone's going to give the middle finger to the man,” adding: “And the man in this case is a chick!” -- referring to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY).

From the July 2 edition of MSNBC's Tucker:

CARLSON: This is the Democratic Party, Bill! The establishment's not going to win in the end, right? Someone's going to give the middle finger to the man, OK. And the man in this case is a chick! Hillary. OK, she's the man here, right? She's the DNC [Democratic National Committee]. Why -- when are ordinary Democrats going to say: “You know what? We're sick of having Rome, or whatever -- the man tell us what to do,” and start backing Barack Obama?

BILL PRESS (radio talk show host): Look, Tucker, at some point Barack Obama is going to make his move. I don't know whether he's going to be able to overtake Hillary or not, but the fact is -- and this shows it -- he's going to have all the resources he needs, all the people that he needs to tackle Hillary and take her head on. She's going to have a full-fledged, totally financed candidate --

CARLSON: He seems like kind of a wuss, though. I mean, don't you gotta be tougher than just the man who's against cynicism, the purer-than-thou candidate? Vote for Barack Obama because he's more decent than you are? I mean, come on. Give me a break.