Noting that Beck was “making fun of blind people,” Carlson handed Beck “award” for “maybe the most outrageous thing said recently on TV”

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On the August 28 edition of MSNBC's Tucker, host Tucker Carlson noted that nationally syndicated radio host Glenn Beck was recently “making fun of blind people,” as Media Matters for America documented on August 25. On the August 24 edition of his CNN Headline News program, Beck waved his hands about, presumably to mimic the actions of a frustrated blind person, and then said, “Just to piss them [blind people] off, I'm going to put in Braille on the coffee pot. ... 'Pot is hot.' ” Carlson said Beck “gets the award today for maybe the most outrageous thing said recently on TV.”

As Media Matters has documented, Beck has previously claimed that one reason different races are “afraid to hang out with each other” is that “we're afraid ... somebody's gonna sic the NAACP on us, or somebody's gonna sic an attorney on us.” He has also mocked the names of Egyptians students, used mock commercials to make fun of Mexican immigrants, and asked if “anybody really care[s]” if Shanghai were flooded by seawater because of global warming.

From the August 28 edition of MSNBC's Tucker:

CARLSON: And, finally, Glenn Beck, over on CNN Headline News, who gets the award today for maybe the most outrageous thing said recently on TV. Listen for yourself.

BECK [video clip]: I work at Radio City in midtown Manhattan, and up by the doors, you know, like where the -- you know -- the office kitchen is, in Braille, on the wall, it says “kitchen.” You'd have to -- a blind person would have to be feeling all of the walls to find “kitchen.” Just to [expletive deleted] them off, I'm going to put in Braille on the coffee pot -- I'm going to put, “Pot is hot.”

CARLSON: Yes, he is making fun of blind people. Amazing.