Tucker Carlson: American “elites” are a bigger threat to America than ISIS

Carlson: “America isn't falling to foreign invaders, it is rotting from within because the people in charge don't think it's worth preserving”

From the July 6 edition of Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight:

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TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): Undermine our courage, sap our spirit. ISIS isn't doing that to us, our elites are -- when they tell us to hate ourselves and our culture and our history, when they teach our children to despise the country that produced them, when they claim that percentage point of annual economic growth is more important than the bonds that connect us to each other.

America isn't falling to foreign invaders, it is rotting from within because the people in charge don't think it's worth preserving. You have to love a civilization in order to save it, and they don't.


We don't hear it that much, but all of that is true. We are different from other societies. We speak freely, we protect the individual. We do write symphonies. We have no reason to be ashamed. We've got a lot of reasons, countless reasons to be proud, and not just of our wealth.

A civilization is not merely the sum of a country's GDP, it's a constellation of values, and norms, and traditions, heroes and villains, and yes, even religious beliefs. Ours is the most successful and benevolent in human history, but it is still vulnerable. All civilizations are vulnerable. Rome looked invincible at one point too, it turned out not to be.


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