Tucker Carlson: California is turning into the third world because of Latin American immigrants

Carlson: “If you import millions of really poor people with no education ... maybe your state gets a lot more like the countries they left”

From the March 2 edition of Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight:

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TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): Where do they come from? Hold on, where do the majority in the past 30 years -- where do the majority of those people come from? Do they come from the Midwest? No, they came from a third world country. Do you think that might have something to do with it?


The overwhelming majority have come from Latin America. And a lot of them are awesome people, and smart, and add a lot, and even the super poor ones, I think a lot of them are really great people. But the truth is, if you import millions of really poor people with no education, it doesn't mean they are bad people, but maybe your state gets a lot more like the countries they left.


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