Tucker Carlson compares Goldman Sachs’ diversity policy to racist ideology that inspired 1848 German Revolutions

Carlson: “The irony is that Goldman Sachs was founded by a man called Marcus Goldman who fled precisely this type of dehumanizing dystopian politics”


From the January 24, 2020 edition of Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight:

TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): If all of this seems inconsistent, even hypocritical, do not be surprised. Goldman specializes in that. The company's website, for example, contains this preachy little sermon on gender diversity, quote, "Goldman Sachs believes that when women lead, everything changes. In today's world, gender equality is an economic imperative, and supporting women's economic empowerment and leadership opportunities will drive growth for our clients, our communities, our people, and our shareholders."

Great, but they don't mean it. How do we know?

Well, Goldman's board doesn't have parity between men and  women. When the company's previous CEO Lloyd Blankfein stepped down in 2018, they didn't pick a woman to replace him, no.

They picked David Solomon, who looks very much like Lloyd Blankfein. Solomon didn't have to take the job. He could've stood aside and let a woman run Goldman Sachs for the first time in 150 years, or even better, he could have stepped down from this job. He could do it tonight, and he should, and then demand that a nonbinary person replace him immediately and donate his severance to Black Lives Matter -- but, needless to say, he won't do that. Diversity for thee, but not for me. That's the real motto at Goldman Sachs.

The irony is that Goldman Sachs was founded by a man called Marcus Goldman who fled precisely this type of dehumanizing dystopian politics. The kind that obsesses over which people or which race or gender or ethnicity are doing too well and need to be pulled down by force.