Tucker Carlson gives passionate defense of George Santos

Carlson: Santos would have only lost “a very small percentage” of votes had his lies been known prior to the election


From the February 2, 2023, edition of Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight 

TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): It was all a facade. It was a tissue of lies constructed to deceive the American people. There was no volleyball scholarship. There was not a single dollar of volleyball scholarship. George Santos made it all up out of whole cloth, out of thin air. George Santos is an ersatz volleyball player. A fraud, a ghoul. People voted for this man believing he had played collegiate volleyball on a scholarship and he hadn't. 

And yet tonight ladies and gentlemen, this thief of volleyball glory strides the halls of the United States Congress unimpeded by law enforcement. It's like another insurrection.

And by the way, we're hearing tonight -- we can't confirm this but we're continuing our investigation into George Santos -- there are reports tonight that he did not actually work at Citi Bank. He did not work at Citi Bank. No volleyball scholarship, never worked at Citi Bank. What percentage of the people who voted for George Santos under false pretenses would have done so had they known he never played volleyball and never worked at Citi Bank? We can only guess, obviously a very small percentage.