Tucker Carlson: The Trump/Russia investigation could be a “witch hunt”

Carlson: “If it is not true, then this is the grandest and most grotesque farce in American history”

From the June 7 edition of Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight:

TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): Well, you probably knew this already, but the TV business tends to draw hysterics, attention seekers, and hyperbole merchants. We work here, so we can tell you that for certain.


What's the alleged crime here? The alleged crime is that President Trump secretly collaborated with the government of Vladimir Putin in order to substitute Russian priorities for American priorities. In other words, that he acted as a foreign agent against this country's interests. Now, if that's true, it is a betrayal of America. It is a moral crime, and the president deserves whatever punishment he gets.

If it is not true, then this is the grandest and most grotesque farce in American history. It is a witch hunt, that is hurting people and paralyzing our government. There is no middle ground here. It is one of the other.


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