Tucker Carlson's Daily Caller compares Limbaugh to Hitler. Or something

Boy, this item at the new conservative portal is just a mess.

Headline from the Daily Caller homepage:

Massachusetts senate race gets a dose of Hitler


Did Democrat Massachusetts Senate candidate Martha Coakley use a photo of Rush Limbaugh in a Hitler pose in her new television ad released last night?

An image of Limbaugh with his hand held high flickers across the screen as the announcer says of Coakley's Republican opponent: “Who is Scott Brown, really? A Republican. In lockstep with Washington Republicans.”

So according to Daily Caller, if a campaign spot features any innocuous photo of somebody with his/her “hand held high,” than that means “Hitler” imagery is being used?

Good to know.

Still, it's pretty weird that Carlson's Daily Caller immediately made a direct link between Limbaugh and Hitler, where none actually existed. (Rush will not be happy.)

Watch the campaign spot here and marvel at the “Hitler” nonsense.