From the October 14 edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Rush Limbaugh Show:
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RUSH LIMBAUGH: Did you know Hillary Clinton is a woman? I know in some people's minds the jury is still out, but she admitted it last night. For how many times now has she told us she is a woman? I don't know about you, but I kind of get the idea, I get it. She's told us enough that she is a woman. Why does she feel she has to remind everybody of that every five minutes, is there some doubt out there? Can we not tell she's a woman by looking at her? No, no, seriously. She can't let five minutes go by last night without reminding everybody that she is a woman. And all of that is predicated on she's a victim, and being a woman makes her an outsider. And I'll tell you why she brings it up. She brings it up because that's about her only accomplishment.