Rush Limbaugh: Hillary Clinton Is “A Screeching Bore”

Limbaugh: “There's Nothing Charismatic, Enigmatic About Mrs. Clinton That Would Make You Want To Listen To Her Talk”

From the February 4 edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Rush Limbaugh Show:

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RUSH LIMBAUGH: So Goldman Sachs wants Hillary to come make a speech. They don't want to hear Hillary make a speech. That's not what this is. They want to figure out how to get $650,000 to her. Campaign donations, that's tough -- limits, reporting and all. Hey, I got it. Let's have her come give a speech. So they have her come give a speech. Nobody pays attention to what she -- it doesn't matter what she says. She can come show up for ten minutes to talk about knitting. It doesn't matter.


LIMBAUGH: So anyway, the question was brought up last night, like Anderson Cooper said, $650,000 to do a speech? How do you explain that? And Hillary looked at the audience and kind of struggled her shoulders, “well that's what they offered.” That's not what they offered. That's now how it -- nobody's going to offer her 650,000 grand to hear her come and - she will put you to sleep. She's a screeching bore. There's nothing charismatic, enigmatic about Mrs. Clinton that would make you want to listen to her talk, certainly not $650,000 worth. Trump might be able to get that after this is all over, but she never could.  


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