CHRIS HAYES (HOST): All of a sudden the dynamics changed today because you've got a presumptive nominee declared by the head of the GOP, by the RNC and they're just now, everything is going to be all of a sudden -- this thing that was an intramural squall, all of it gets directed at Hillary Clinton and you've seen in the last two or three hours it's like muscle memory for these folks. Like going after Hillary Clinton, like you could wake up and not even be awake. It's like sleep walking. Everyone can do it just automatically. And now it starts.
ERIC BOEHLERT: Right. Building records. Whitewater. As you pointed out in the previous segments, it's a little different, right, the conservative media. What is the conservative media going to do? They have this target --
HAYES: I can tell you what they're going to do.
BOEHLERT: They have this target, this Hillary Clinton target. Obviously she's going to be you know a punching bag for months, but are they going to do it with one hand tied behind their back because they don't like Trump? The conservative media, one of the dominant traits minus the misinformation, has been incredible discipline. They've always had their villain. They know who their villain is and know who their hero is. It couldn't be more clear, their script. Now they have their villain but don't know who their hero is. You listen to Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh was making fun of Trump today about the JFK stuff and Erick Erickson saying, you know, what's going on? National Review. All I'm saying is we've never had this media landscape on the right before.