Election denier and January 6 supporter Jenny Beth Martin describes her group’s GOTV efforts in Georgia and other swing states

Martin’s group Tea Party Patriots sponsored Trump’s D.C. rally on January 6, 2021

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Citation From the October 17, 2024 edition of Real America's Voice's Outside the Beltway with John Fredericks 

JENNY BETH MARTIN (GUEST): In Georgia specifically we are paying people to go door-to-door to talk and independent voters, so we still have that opportunity if people want to sign up to get involved with that, they can go to knockfortrump.com. And then in Georgia and in the other swing states plus Montana we have an aspect of the software, the phone app Numinar that we are using for relational organizing.

We know people care enough about Donald Trump to do what it takes to help him win, and part of that is making sure that the turnout is too big to rig. And this will help make it too big to rig.

As Media Matters previously reported:

Martin is a significant figure in the election denial movement. Her organization, Tea Party Patriots, sponsored a Trump rally in D.C. ahead of the attempted insurrection on January 6, 2021, and Martin herself was outside the Capitol that day. According to Talking Points Memo, Martin “helped connect the political, legal, and activist elements of the push to keep Trump in power” and even communicated with Mark Meadows, Trump’s chief of staff and an instrumental figure in the former president’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election results.