Steven Crowder is apparently “partnering” with True the Vote for “the scoop” from the election denial organization's drop box monitoring

True the Vote claims it has been “setting up teams and schedules for drop boxes” to monitor “with a little handheld camera” in multiple states, and says Crowder is “opening up” the organization’s efforts “to a whole new crowd”

Video file

Citation From an October 19, 2024, video uploaded to Rumble

CATHERINE ENGELBRECHT (TRUE THE VOTE FOUNDER): So, with the camera project, it’s one of the things — I mean, we were graciously invited to be here, and it worked out, but we are also here to do advanced work on your drop boxes, and that’s what we’re gonna be doing all day tomorrow. So is going around.


And so all of this to say that the lesson from that is now we want to be preemptive. We look at this as an opportunity to create what we call a sentinel effect, and we think this is a great thing. Because for those who are concerned, and maybe you know some folks that are in a place where they just think their vote doesn’t matter anymore and nobody really cares, that it’s just all lawless and nobody’s really doing anything, you can point to your fellow citizens who are out there watching these drop boxes to secure those votes, and it’s a very real tangible demonstration of our commitment. And that, we hope, will inspire people. So that’s the positive sentinel effect that we believe that this project will have.

The other side of it is to suppress the bad actors because if they know that they are being monitored or watched — we’re not trying — we’re not going to — there’s no interaction with any voter. There’s it’s — just, you know, what this surveillance cameras should be doing. That’s it. But that alone, we believe, will be enough of a deterrent to effectively shut off that channel of abuse that we saw in the 2020 election. And it’s a thousand-front war, we often say, but this is one of those channels that we believe citizen engagement and just being visible in this way can have a radical impact. 

So, here’s the deal. ... If you would like to participate in this project, we would love to hear from you because what we’re doing is setting up teams and schedules for drop boxes, and we will provide you with a little handheld camera. Very, very simple. And with just a few clicks, you can be filming. All you have to do is just sit in your car and film, and then it just goes straight back to [True the Vote's site] and it livestreams, and it’s really that easy. And we have teams in Wisconsin and in Pennsylvania — hoping to to light this up here, and then we’ll be in Arizona next week to do the same. So if that’s of interest — I know this is probably not the best environment, but maybe, Braden, you could just keep the list, and we’ll see how that goes. But it would be great, and it’s very simple, and it will not be taxing on any of you. It’s — you know, we’re doing one-hour stints. I mean, it’ll go fast. But the visibility and the momentum that it creates by creating that level of transparency is important. 

So that’s one big piece. And then another piece that you might find useful coming up is, as Gregg mentioned, our app called VoteAlert. VoteAlert is, as Gregg said, it’s sort of Instagram for voting, where you can report problems, you can ask questions, we have teams working to respond, we have a toll-free 800 number.

But here’s something cool that’s coming together that just happened today. Do you know who Steven Crowder is? Do you know that name? OK. So he called today, and he said, “Hey. We’re going to do this election integrity extravaganza, and we’re going to be livestreaming. But we want the scoop. We want to know what’s really going on.” And so they are partnering with us to pull in all of this VoteAlert stuff and the drop box, and just all of it in a way that will tell this mosaic of a story of what’s happening on our — during our election. And I think — I mean, it’s opening up to a whole new crowd. 

So we are super excited about that because — yeah, because, you know, think about — as I mentioned, when I started, there was not a whole lot of awareness. Now, you know, all — so many great people have risen up, and it’s growing and growing. And now you think about taking it to that next level of millions of eyes that are now being able — since we’ve all lived through 2020, now you see the puzzle pieces a little bit differently, and you can — again, the sentinel impact of something like that is so important because we are all in this together. And on those days that you feel like maybe it’s just Michigan. I’m — it’s not. I’m from Texas. We got problems in Texas too, friends. We are all in this together, and we must, must, as Gregg said, remain ever vigilant. But it’s awfully nice to be surrounded by people who feel the same way, and in the instance of the Steven Crowder and all of that, just — we’re building our own way. And it’s an exciting time. You know, we could have all been born at any point, but we’re here for a reason. Embrace that. You’re living in historic days, and we’re just — we’re all privileged to be a part of it.