WSJ now in the business of predicting the news

Because hey, it “could” happen.

And keep in mind, this shoddy work is from the WSJ's newsroom, not even it's openly partisan and dishonest opinion page [emphasis added]:

A leader of a planned Muslim community center near Manhattan's Ground Zero compared opposition to the project to the persecution of Jews, in comments that could add to the controversy over the center's proposed site.

“We are deeply concerned, because this is like a metastasized antisemitism,” said Daisy Khan, who is spearheading the project with her husband, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf. “It's beyond Islamophobia. It's hate of Muslims.”

And this:

The words could further inflame an already angry debate about the proposed location of the community center, which opponents denounce as a “victory mosque.”

The Journal article contains no indication as to why Khan's comments would further inflame the debate, nor does it contain a single quote from anyone connected to the controversy suggesting the comments would inflame the debate. The newspaper simply concocts the premise.

And BTW, despite the fact Newt Gingrich recently equated Islamic center supporters to Nazis, I'm having trouble finding any WSJ article that suggests Gingrich's truly outrageous comments “could add to the controversy,” or that those comments “could inflame the angry debate.”