Washington Post media critic Howard Kurtz has:
* Done no original reporting on the Washington Post's firing of Dan Froomkin
* Failed to ask Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank about a controversy over whether Milbank called another reporter a nasty name during a taping of Kurtz' television show
* Gotten scooped by a rival publication on an explosive story about the Washington Post auctioning off access to its reporters and editors to lobbyists and other interest groups.
Is it really too much to expect the nation's most famous media critic to be able to cover significant media stories that happen right under his own nose?
Incredibly, it might actually be more than Kurtz can handle, as I explain in my column today.
UPDATE: More from Marcy Wheeler on flaws in Kurtz's (eventual) article about the Post/lobbyist scheme. And from Adam Serwer on what Kurtz was writing about while Politico was drinking his milkshake.