Wendell Goler Former Fox News correspondent Wendell Goler was a White House correspondent for Fox News and joined the channel when it launched in 1996. Goler left Fox News in 2014. Featured Fox's Goler Pushes False Claim That Unions Are Exempt From Draft Executive Order Article 05/13/11 10:15 AM EDT Fox's “Straight News” Correspondent Goler: Cantor “Tried To Be The Voice Of Reason” Against Jobs Bill Video & Audio 10/05/11 8:53 AM EDT Fox News' Goler ignored his network's freak-out over school speech Article 09/04/09 8:25 AM EDT The Latest Fox News faceoff: Beck vs. Goler on Michelle Obama's Spain vacation Article 08/09/10 8:22 PM EDT Fox News' Goler asks Gibbs if “complaints of birthers” complicates administration's outreach to American Muslims Article 04/21/10 11:25 PM EDT ABC's Wright latest to mislead on stolen climate emails Article 12/09/09 11:41 PM EST NPR reporter Liasson to continue validating Fox's news programs while ignoring its 24-7 political operation Article 12/07/09 2:24 PM EST Fox News repeatedly claims apparently stolen CRU emails were “leaked,” “revealed,” “uncovered” Article 12/06/09 5:18 PM EST Fox & Friends crops Jon Stewart quote to suggest “Climategate” emails made him a global warming denier Article 12/03/09 11:29 AM EST Hannity video switch-up is only the tip of Fox News' video-doctoring iceberg Article 11/11/09 12:56 PM EST The real lessons of Fox/MSNBC comparisons Article 10/30/09 6:39 PM EDT Fox News' rhetoric echoes Ailes' long history of race-baiting Research/Study 10/27/09 5:22 AM EDT Fox's news programs echo its “opinion” shows: Smears, doctored videos, GOP talking points Article 10/13/09 4:58 PM EDT Conservative media now claim Obama's plans to indoctrinate children were “thwarted” Article 09/09/09 8:41 AM EDT Fox News' Goler ignored his network's freak-out over school speech Article 09/04/09 8:25 AM EDT Pagination Previous page ‹ Previous Page 1 Current page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Next page Next ›
Fox's Goler Pushes False Claim That Unions Are Exempt From Draft Executive Order Article 05/13/11 10:15 AM EDT
Fox's “Straight News” Correspondent Goler: Cantor “Tried To Be The Voice Of Reason” Against Jobs Bill Video & Audio 10/05/11 8:53 AM EDT
Fox News' Goler asks Gibbs if “complaints of birthers” complicates administration's outreach to American Muslims Article 04/21/10 11:25 PM EDT
NPR reporter Liasson to continue validating Fox's news programs while ignoring its 24-7 political operation Article 12/07/09 2:24 PM EST
Fox News repeatedly claims apparently stolen CRU emails were “leaked,” “revealed,” “uncovered” Article 12/06/09 5:18 PM EST
Fox & Friends crops Jon Stewart quote to suggest “Climategate” emails made him a global warming denier Article 12/03/09 11:29 AM EST
Hannity video switch-up is only the tip of Fox News' video-doctoring iceberg Article 11/11/09 12:56 PM EST
Fox's news programs echo its “opinion” shows: Smears, doctored videos, GOP talking points Article 10/13/09 4:58 PM EDT
Conservative media now claim Obama's plans to indoctrinate children were “thwarted” Article 09/09/09 8:41 AM EDT