The WorldNetDaily “Superstore” is charging customers $24.95 to mail a "Stop Kagan" letter -- riddled with falsehoods, of course -- to “all 100 U.S. senators by Fed Ex.” A June 16 WND article promoting Sen. Jeff Sessions' most recent bizarre attack on Kagan hawked the offer repeatedly:
The “stop Kagan” campaign allows any American citizen to generate 100 individually addressed letters to every U.S. senator, each including the name of the sender and all delivered by Fed Ex for the low price of just $24.95. That comes out to less than the cost of snail-mailing the 100 letters yourself.
Some advice for potential customers: Email -- which is free -- is cheaper than both $24.95 and “the cost of snail-mailing the 100 letters yourself.” Moreover, sending letters to senators who do not represent your state probably isn't going to do very much. Indeed, as the senate website makes clear:
You can contact your senators by writing an e-mail or a letter, by calling, or by visiting. All questions and comments regarding public policy issues, legislation, or requests for personal assistance should be directed to the senators from your state. Please be aware that as a matter of professional courtesy, many senators will acknowledge, but not respond to, a message from another senator's constituent.