ALEX JONES (HOST): The National Rifle Association is rebranding itself to be more hardcore and more political. I’m very proud of our audience and I’m very proud of people like the “Motor City Madman” Ted Nugent when he as an NRA board member who was instrumental in getting NRA back to being hardcore and not milquetoast. It was Gun Owners of America. We should get [GOA executive director] Larry Pratt back on this week, in fact we will. Larry Pratt who helped keep the NRA honest. Remember they used to even support assault weapons bans back in the 90s and stuff. Semi-auto bans. I mean the NRA got bad for a while, but thanks to activists and members keeping them straight they’ve gotten more hardcore and they’ve gotten more popular. Well now they’ve got people like Jesse James, and [NRA national spokesperson] Dana Loesch, and others that are what you would say radicalizing the NRA. Which, radicalism, extremism in defense of liberty is no vice, to quote Barry Goldwater, who is the grandaddy of our whole countermovement against the globalists, make no mistake.
“A chilling National Rifle Association ad gaining traction online appears to be an ‘open call to violence’,” this is from 11 days ago, the video has tens of millions of views on different platforms and it’s a one minute ad that sounds like I could have said it, or you could have said it, because it’s truth. It’s not plagiarism by the NRA of the liberty movement, it’s truth, it’s self-evident. In fact, I’m going to cut some promos that are basically a nod to this piece. And we should all put out our own YouTube videos and our own testimonies about why we have the Second Amendment. Everybody should do it on a webcam, or on your local access TV, or on talk radio. Everyone should give testament to why we have the Second Amendment.
We’re going to air that ad here in just a moment. In fact, I told the crew last week I want to put it into rotation here to run on the network and on the radio show. In fact, I want the one minute ad to actually run on the full GCN network, I want it to run in our ad slots that are $1,000 a minute. It sounds like it’s a lot, it’s not for syndicated radio. I’m going to take some of my ad time I’ve got on the network and I’m running this for the NRA because it’s hardcore. And if we don’t all contribute to the fight we’re going to lose.