Paladino has repeatedly appeared on podcasts and radio shows and touted Scalar Light as a way to treat, cure, or prevent the coronavirus. Here are five examples:
Paladino says he can “negate and destroy the coronavirus.”
Paladino appeared on the March 11 edition of The Matter of the Heart and said that he believes he has “a remedy” for the coronavirus. He stated that he has “many photographs of the coronavirus, and when I place those photographs in my instrument, then my instrument is looking at the molecular integrity, the molecular geometry, if you will, of the coronavirus. And with that information, I'm able to send information, instructions into the body, thereby negating those molecular bonds. So a photograph of the coronavirus allows my instrument to interpret the molecular bonds of the coronavirus and then subsequently negate and destroy the coronavirus.”
Paladino claimed that he can “easily dissemble, eradicate viruses such as the coronavirus.”
Paladino and the woman who says she traveled to Italy for the Milan Fashion Week appeared on the March 19 edition of Making Life Brighter with Winifred Adams. Paladino said he will “go on record by saying scalar will easily dissemble, eradicate viruses such as the coronavirus.” He later stated that he goes “on record” to claim that he’s “able to destroy, break apart, the HIV virus.”
Paladino claimed that his “process destroyed, broke apart, the COVID virus.”
During a March 20 appearance on Straight Talk for the Soul, Paladino repeated the story of the alleged coronavirus recovery in Italy and said that “she never developed full symptomatology because the Scalar Light process destroyed, broke apart, the COVID virus.” He later stated that he has “the solution for the COVID virus” and he’s been “able to calibrate my instrument to destroy the COVID virus and we're doing that. We can break apart the COVID virus. And as a testimony to that, today, on any given day, I have 5,000 to 7,000 clients on any given day.”
Paladino claimed that he’s treated people “who have been identified as carriers of the coronavirus” and they’re now “negative.”
During a March 31 appearance on Natural Choice Network, Paladino claimed that he has administered his treatment to “some people who have been identified as carriers of the coronavirus. And after we began our light therapy, our light sessions, a subsequent follow-up polymerase chain reaction test shows that they have no viral load, that they're negative for the coronavirus, again after being ... exposed to it, or at least in a compromising living situation or workplace situation.” He later said that he’s now “working with over 10,000 people on a daily basis and not one of our clients has had any severe symptomatology of COVID-19.”
Paladino: “I do believe we can shatter, we can fragment, the COVID-19 virus.”
During an April 2 appearance on The Loretta Brown Show, Paladino said: “I do believe we can shatter, we can fragment, the COVID-19 virus. … We’re probably going to be able to shatter, to fragment, the COVID-19 virus.”
Media Matters has been documenting personalities and outlets that have been profiteering from coronavirus health scams and grifts.