On May 25, the Supreme Court, in the decision of Sackett v. EPA, significantly weakened the Clean Water Act and curtailed the authority of the Environmental Protection Agency to safeguard the nation's wetlands and waterways from pollution.
The controversial decision leaves millions of acres of wetlands vulnerable and jeopardizes “access to safe drinking water to millions” of Americans. Unfortunately, most major TV news programs failed to cover the decision and its implications.
Media Matters found that from May 25-31:
- CNN, Fox News and MSNBC aired a combined 21 minutes of coverage about the Supreme Court decision that limited the Clean Water Act across 13 segments.
- Fox’s 12 minutes of coverage was more than CNN (3 minutes) and MSNBC (6 minutes) combined.
- Corporate broadcast news shows on ABC, CBS, and NBC failed to cover the decision at all.
Corporate broadcast and cable news’ lack of substantive and sustained news coverage can not only obscure the public's understanding of significant climate and environmental rulings, but also risks allowing public discourse to be shaped around narrow, often misleading narratives propagated by right-wing outlets such as Fox News.