Fox News host defends “the white supremacist majority”
Fox News host defends “the white supremacist majority”

From the November 3, 2022, edition of Westwood One's The Mark Levin Show
MARK LEVIN (HOST): Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, they have never felt patriotism towards this country. Never. And the Democrat Party has always, always been an evil force in this country. Of course there are some exceptions, but not a lot. They point to programs that they created, taxes that they raised, regulations that they instituted -- as if that gives balance to their support for slavery, and segregation, and Jim Crow, and their opposition to integrating our schools.
As if that gives balance to the rise of anti Semitism in the Democrat Party, and the rise of racism yet again, against Asians, against Indians, against Hispanics and, of course, against the white supremacist majority. The white supremacist majority. I want you to go to our military -- our military sites where people are buried, and I want you to see all the privileged supremacists, the overwhelming majority of whom are white Christians, buried at Arlington National cemetery and all the other cemeteries. "Privileged," they say. "Privileged."
What has Obama and his family contributed to the nation? Absolutely nothing. Hillary Clinton, Absolutely nothing. Nothing. Chuck Schumer, absolutely nothing.