Fox's Mark Levin: “The British Empire was not built on the backs of brown and black people. Did it enslave people? Yes, but it also ended slavery.”
Fox's Mark Levin: “The British Empire was not built on the backs of brown and black people. Did it enslave people? Yes, but it also ended slavery.”

From the September 9, 2022, edition of Westwood One's The Mark Levin Show
MARK LEVIN (HOST): Sunny Hoston on The View today -- She's purportedly a lawyer, but everything that comes out of her mouth is poisonous. She lives on a huge estate with her husband and her kids. She earns an enormous amount of money, but everything that comes out of her mouth is poisonous, like this. Cut sixteen go.
SUNNY HOSTON: And I think though we can mourn the queen, and not the empire. Because if we really think about what the monarchy was built on, it was built on the backs of black and brown people. She wore a crown with pillaged stones from India and Africa, and now we --
LEVIN: Okay, stop. No, the British Empire was not built on the backs of brown and black people. Did it enslave people? Yes, but it also ended slavery -- I'm doing this by memory -- I think in the 1830's.