Savage: “America's not ready for an affirmative action presidency”

Referring to Democratic presidential candidates Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Sen. Barack Obama, Michael Savage stated: “We have a woman and a multi-ethnic man running for office on the Democrat side. Is this not akin to a -- an affirmative action election? Isn't that why the libs are hysterical, tripping over themselves to say amen and yes to this affirmative election vote?” He later added, “America's not ready for an affirmative action presidency.”


Audio file

On the February 1 broadcast of The Savage Nation, host Michael Savage stated that the Democratic presidential nominating contest “is, or can be seen as, the first affirmative action election in American history.” Referring to Democratic presidential candidates Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) and Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL), Savage continued: “We have a woman and a multi-ethnic man running for office on the Democrat side. Is this not akin to an affirmative action election? Isn't that why the libs are hysterical, tripping over themselves to say amen and yes to this affirmative election vote?”

Savage made the remarks while discussing the January 31 Democratic presidential debate, held at the Kodak Theater in Hollywood, California, which was the first debate after the field of prospective Democratic presidential nominees had been narrowed to just Clinton and Obama. Savage also predicted that American voters would ultimately reject the Democratic candidate, whoever it is, stating, “I can predict right now they're gonna lose because when the American people themselves have been able to vote for or against affirmative action, as most recently they did on a ballot initiative in very liberal Michigan, they voted against affirmative action.” He added: “When they are heard from, the affirmative action ticket goes down in flames. ... I don't really care who's gonna be on the other side, they win. America's not ready for an affirmative action presidency. I stand by those words.”

According to Talk Radio Network, which syndicates Savage's show, Savage is heard on more than 350 radio stations. Talkers Magazine has indicated that The Savage Nation reaches more than 8 million listeners each week, making it the third most listened-to talk radio show in the nation, behind only The Rush Limbaugh Show and The Sean Hannity Show.

From the February 1 edition of Talk Radio Network's The Savage Nation:

SAVAGE: See, I'm not gonna do politics. I told you I'm filibustering the Wolf Blitzer -- the Blitzerian view of the world. I can't take it anymore. I cannot take talking about one-dimensional, shallow men and women. I will do so from time to time when I think it's appropriate. Right now I've had enough of it. I've had enough of it to last a lifetime. I'll make one comment about last night's charade in the Kodak Theater in Hollywood. Didn't it look like the Academy Awards? You saw Meathead there, you saw all the radical red-diaper doper babies from Brooklyn who made a fortune in the film business by urinating on the American flag and decimating the American value, the values that you grew up loving. They were all in there, weren't they? The ones who made a fortune hating America.

Do you realize that this is, or can be seen as, the first affirmative action election in American history? Let me repeat that again. We have a woman and a multi-ethnic man running for office on the Democrat side. Is this not akin to an affirmative action election? Isn't that why the libs are hysterical, tripping over themselves to say amen and yes to this affirmative election vote? In many ways you could say this election is about the mandate called affirmative action, and I can predict right now they're gonna lose because when the American people themselves have been able to vote for or against affirmative action, as most recently they did on a ballot initiative in very liberal Michigan, they voted against affirmative action.

You understand what I just said to you? The American people haven't been heard from yet. This is all staged, it's all stooges, it's all controlled by the parties, the people have not yet been heard from. When they are heard from, the affirmative action ticket goes down in flames. You can mark this down, you can mark this down. Mark it in bronze. Mark it in bronze they lose. I don't really care who's gonna be on the other side, they win. America's not ready for an affirmative action presidency. I stand by those words.