Savage guest host Roberts: "[Y]ou may as well start an Obama savings account" so “welfare mom can have her new plasma TV as she pops kids out”

Savage Nation guest host Rick Roberts directed listeners “to not give to charities this Christmas” and instead to “ke[ep] some of that money for yourself and your loved ones come tax season.” Moments later, Roberts added: “That's when our new president's uber-welfare state's going to kick in, and you're going to wish you'd kept some of that money. So you may as well start an Obama savings account right now so that that welfare mom can have her new plasma TV as she pops kids out like a Pez dispenser.”

During the December 8 broadcast of Talk Radio Network's The Savage Nation, guest host Rick Roberts directed listeners “to not give to charities this Christmas,” later asserting that President-elect Barack Obama is “going to come to the welfare crowd's defense anyway.” Moments later, Roberts added: “You're going to wish you'd kept some of that money for yourself and your loved ones come tax season. That's when our new president's uber-welfare state's going to kick in, and you're going to wish you'd kept some of that money. So you may as well start an Obama savings account right now so that that welfare mom can have her new plasma TV as she pops kids out like a Pez dispenser. Since when did having kids become a cash crop?”

Earlier, Roberts said: “That's right. I want conservatives and Christians to stop donating your money, with one exception: anything to help the military is fine.” He later stated, “When you get hit up for charities this Christmas season -- now, again, the only addendum to this is anything for the military is absolutely top of the list -- but everybody else, you need to remember, most of that money goes into either a) the pockets of people who run the charities, or b) drug addicts -- deadbeats on welfare who have nothing to contribute to their own lives, let alone society.”

Roberts also said during the broadcast: “If you need another reason why Christians and conservatives should stop giving, here it is. I've had enough. I've had enough. Have you? I've had enough of the liberals and their name-calling. I've had enough of the attacks on churches, Mormon temples, Jewish synagogues. I've had enough of their hatred and spouting that our God doesn't exist.”

Talk Radio Network, which syndicates The Savage Nation, claims that the show is heard on more than 350 radio stations. The Savage Nation reaches at least 8.25 million listeners each week, according to Talkers Magazine, making it one of the most listened-to talk radio shows in the nation, behind only The Rush Limbaugh Show and The Sean Hannity Show.

From the December 8 broadcast of Talk Radio Network's The Savage Nation:

ROBERTS: Look -- I've got a pretty radical announcement to make right now. All right, are you sitting down? Are you driving in the slow lane? I want conservatives and Christians to not give to charities this Christmas. Yeah, I said, not give to charities this Christmas. That's right. I want conservatives and Christians to stop donating your money, with one exception: anything to help the military is fine, because God knows the government isn't doing their fair share. You know, I've given this a lot of thought, and I believe the right thing to do this Christmas is not to give. Don't give to the homeless shelters or the soup kitchens, or this or that.

Now, many of you may already be cutting back on your giving this year. I know you are. You have to be. And you may be feeling guilty about it. “Well, you know, gosh, I couldn't give as much as I wanted to give, and I couldn't give as much as I have in years past.” But I'm here to tell you: Drop the guilt. Get rid of it. You are doing the right thing by not giving. Don't feel guilty about keeping your money to take care of you and your family -- that's your first responsibility. Now, here's why I'm asking Christians and conservatives not to give this holiday, all right? I'm not trying to be cold-hearted. I'm not trying to be Grinch. I'm just trying to wake people up. Wake up.

I'm not trying to be mean. I'm not trying to be heartless or cruel. I'm trying to get people to open their eyes -- if your eyes haven't been opened -- about the economic events and the political events of the last three, four, five, six months. When you get hit up for charities this Christmas season -- now, again, the only addendum to this is anything for the military is absolutely top of the list -- but everybody else, you need to remember, most of that money goes into either a) the pockets of people who run the charities, or b) drug addicts -- deadbeats on welfare who have nothing to contribute to their own lives, let alone society.


ROBERTS: Give to your own family. Take care of your own responsibility. The economy's a drag -- people know that. People are down on their luck. It's getting worse, but not everyone gives up and buries their sorrows in a bottle or a bailout plan. Some people actually work harder, try harder, study harder. Give to those people. Help those who are trying to help themselves.

Besides, in the final analysis, Obama's going to come to the welfare crowd's defense anyway, which brings me to my third reason not to give to charities this holiday season: politics. Politics. You're going to wish you'd kept some of that money for yourself and your loved ones come tax season. That's when our new president's uber-welfare state's going to kick in, and you're going to wish you'd kept some of that money. So you may as well start an Obama savings account right now so that that welfare mom can have her new plasma TV as she pops kids out like a Pez dispenser. Since when did having kids become a cash crop?

And it's going to get worse. If you need another reason why Christians and conservatives should stop giving, here it is. I've had enough. I've had enough. Have you? I've had enough of the liberals and their name-calling. I've had enough of the attacks on churches, Mormon temples, Jewish synagogues. I've had enough of their hatred and spouting that our God doesn't exist.