Ron DeSantis Governor of Florida The Latest Fox News personalities will speak at Florida GOP fundraiser featuring Ron DeSantis Article 07/21/22 12:48 PM EDT Fox host praises Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for not ordering vaccines for young children Video & Audio 06/17/22 10:18 AM EDT Fox & Friends devotes segment to a song praising Ron DeSantis and attacking Fauci Video & Audio 04/01/22 9:46 AM EDT Alex Jones: Ron DeSantis is “better than Trump” Video & Audio 03/30/22 2:39 PM EDT Fox hosts rally behind Ron DeSantis’ push to provide ineffective monoclonal antibodies Article 01/26/22 12:59 PM EST Ron DeSantis’ Fox-fueled rise to GOP presidential contender Article 05/17/21 10:20 AM EDT Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis relies on Fox News — and mainstream media’s mistakes — to promote his willful inaction on the pandemic Article 03/19/21 9:25 AM EDT Fox “news side” anchor Shannon Bream is keynoting a fundraiser for a Koch-linked group alongside Ron DeSantis Article 03/21/19 11:15 AM EDT Lou Dobbs attacks Florida GOP candidates Ron DeSantis and Rick Scott for refusing to lie about Puerto Rico death toll Video & Audio 09/14/18 7:56 PM EDT Fox News' evolving reaction to Ron DeSantis' racism Article 08/30/18 2:59 PM EDT Laura Ingraham advises Ron DeSantis to “demand an apology” from the opponent he made a racist “monkey” comment about Video & Audio 08/30/18 11:52 AM EDT NRATV’s Dan Bongino: Ron DeSantis’ racist remarks are “an entirely fabricated, far-left scandal” Video & Audio 08/30/18 11:32 AM EDT Pagination Previous page ‹ Previous Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Current page 7 Page 8 Next page Next ›
Fox News personalities will speak at Florida GOP fundraiser featuring Ron DeSantis Article 07/21/22 12:48 PM EDT
Fox host praises Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for not ordering vaccines for young children Video & Audio 06/17/22 10:18 AM EDT
Fox & Friends devotes segment to a song praising Ron DeSantis and attacking Fauci Video & Audio 04/01/22 9:46 AM EDT
Fox hosts rally behind Ron DeSantis’ push to provide ineffective monoclonal antibodies Article 01/26/22 12:59 PM EST
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis relies on Fox News — and mainstream media’s mistakes — to promote his willful inaction on the pandemic Article 03/19/21 9:25 AM EDT
Fox “news side” anchor Shannon Bream is keynoting a fundraiser for a Koch-linked group alongside Ron DeSantis Article 03/21/19 11:15 AM EDT
Lou Dobbs attacks Florida GOP candidates Ron DeSantis and Rick Scott for refusing to lie about Puerto Rico death toll Video & Audio 09/14/18 7:56 PM EDT
Laura Ingraham advises Ron DeSantis to “demand an apology” from the opponent he made a racist “monkey” comment about Video & Audio 08/30/18 11:52 AM EDT
NRATV’s Dan Bongino: Ron DeSantis’ racist remarks are “an entirely fabricated, far-left scandal” Video & Audio 08/30/18 11:32 AM EDT