Rose Tennent Conservative talk radio host Rose Tennent was a co-host of the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, conservative talk radio show The War Room with Quinn and Rose, which went off the air in 2013. The show regularly featured incendiary rhetoric. Featured Quinn & Rose's Rose, whose co-host referred to NOW as the “National Organization for Whores,” called Obama a “sexist pig” Article 09/11/08 2:17 PM EDT Rose Tennent on Obama ad: "[D]on't put that jive out there in front of me, devil, and tell me that these people are hurting when they are not hurting" Video & Audio 10/31/08 3:37 PM EDT Rose reacts to explosion of “one disposable Palestinian child”: “They blow up so fast, don't they?” Video & Audio 08/05/09 11:28 PM EDT The Latest Stephen Moore's hatred of climate science inspired him to attack Ivanka Trump Article 04/25/19 2:40 PM EDT Trump elevated Charlie Kirk's false claim about French protesters chanting his name. That never happened. Article 12/04/18 3:58 PM EST Hannity radio guests attack “very progressive Jews” for criticizing Trump’s rhetoric Video & Audio 10/29/18 5:23 PM EDT CNN Shows How Trump's Conspiratorial Claims Of A Rigged Election Have Reached Local Right-Wing Talk Radio Video & Audio 08/16/16 11:09 PM EDT Media Matters Revisits Right-Wing Media Prophesies That Obama Is The Antichrist Article 05/20/11 5:29 PM EDT Behind Obama Muslim myth stands the right wing Research/Study 08/19/10 7:47 PM EDT Beck and his acolytes imagine common pests to be diabolical omens Article 08/04/10 4:30 PM EDT Tennent: “Why don't we fly some Muslims to the moon?” Quinn: “Well, it would be a start” Video & Audio 07/28/10 1:35 PM EDT Tennent: “You can't vote for [Obama] and be a Christian. ... You're going to be held accountable for this vote” Video & Audio 07/28/10 1:31 PM EDT After Quinn repeatedly suggests Obama is Muslim, Tennent says there “was no contribution ... to society” by Muslims Video & Audio 07/07/10 5:34 PM EDT Rose Tennent: “All the insects and the rodents come out for” Obama, “like they're attracted to the devil or something” Video & Audio 06/25/10 6:23 PM EDT Tennent: Obama “enjoying” oil spill, asks if he's in a “self-destructive mode” Video & Audio 06/11/10 11:36 AM EDT Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Next page Next ›
Quinn & Rose's Rose, whose co-host referred to NOW as the “National Organization for Whores,” called Obama a “sexist pig” Article 09/11/08 2:17 PM EDT
Rose Tennent on Obama ad: "[D]on't put that jive out there in front of me, devil, and tell me that these people are hurting when they are not hurting" Video & Audio 10/31/08 3:37 PM EDT
Rose reacts to explosion of “one disposable Palestinian child”: “They blow up so fast, don't they?” Video & Audio 08/05/09 11:28 PM EDT
Stephen Moore's hatred of climate science inspired him to attack Ivanka Trump Article 04/25/19 2:40 PM EDT
Trump elevated Charlie Kirk's false claim about French protesters chanting his name. That never happened. Article 12/04/18 3:58 PM EST
Hannity radio guests attack “very progressive Jews” for criticizing Trump’s rhetoric Video & Audio 10/29/18 5:23 PM EDT
CNN Shows How Trump's Conspiratorial Claims Of A Rigged Election Have Reached Local Right-Wing Talk Radio Video & Audio 08/16/16 11:09 PM EDT
Media Matters Revisits Right-Wing Media Prophesies That Obama Is The Antichrist Article 05/20/11 5:29 PM EDT
Tennent: “Why don't we fly some Muslims to the moon?” Quinn: “Well, it would be a start” Video & Audio 07/28/10 1:35 PM EDT
Tennent: “You can't vote for [Obama] and be a Christian. ... You're going to be held accountable for this vote” Video & Audio 07/28/10 1:31 PM EDT
After Quinn repeatedly suggests Obama is Muslim, Tennent says there “was no contribution ... to society” by Muslims Video & Audio 07/07/10 5:34 PM EDT
Rose Tennent: “All the insects and the rodents come out for” Obama, “like they're attracted to the devil or something” Video & Audio 06/25/10 6:23 PM EDT
Tennent: Obama “enjoying” oil spill, asks if he's in a “self-destructive mode” Video & Audio 06/11/10 11:36 AM EDT