Rose Tennent Conservative talk radio host Rose Tennent was a co-host of the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, conservative talk radio show The War Room with Quinn and Rose, which went off the air in 2013. The show regularly featured incendiary rhetoric. Featured Quinn & Rose's Rose, whose co-host referred to NOW as the “National Organization for Whores,” called Obama a “sexist pig” Article 09/11/08 2:17 PM EDT Rose Tennent on Obama ad: "[D]on't put that jive out there in front of me, devil, and tell me that these people are hurting when they are not hurting" Video & Audio 10/31/08 3:37 PM EDT Rose reacts to explosion of “one disposable Palestinian child”: “They blow up so fast, don't they?” Video & Audio 08/05/09 11:28 PM EDT The Latest Right-wing media continue barrage of religious attacks against Obama Article 02/03/10 5:25 PM EST Rose Tennent declares that Obama “is evil ... he is evil” Video & Audio 09/14/09 5:00 PM EDT Rose reacts to explosion of “one disposable Palestinian child”: “They blow up so fast, don't they?” Video & Audio 08/05/09 11:28 PM EDT Right-wing birthers now pushing town hall disruptions Article 08/04/09 11:09 PM EDT Conservatives fearmonger that health care reform will lead to denying treatment to elderly Article 07/21/09 8:19 PM EDT Rose on Census: “Acorn [is] being recruited by Obama for a mission that is so frightening” Video & Audio 06/22/09 2:15 PM EDT Conservative media still promoting Obama birth certificate conspiracy theories Article 06/18/09 2:31 PM EDT Quinn and Rose agree: If they were Feherty, they “wouldn't have apologized” Video & Audio 05/11/09 3:05 PM EDT Quinn to artist who submitted pro-impeachment Christmas ornament to White House: “Shut up, bitch” Video & Audio 12/04/08 12:14 PM EST Conservative radio hosts continue to promote discredited claim that Obama has yet to prove he was born in the U.S. Article 12/03/08 1:01 PM EST Conservative media react to talk of Obama-led economic recovery by attacking FDR and New Deal Article 11/26/08 9:07 AM EST Politico article on Obama's recent church attendance ignored Bush's sporadic attendance as president Article 11/24/08 9:17 PM EST Pagination Previous page ‹ Previous Page 1 Current page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Next page Next ›
Quinn & Rose's Rose, whose co-host referred to NOW as the “National Organization for Whores,” called Obama a “sexist pig” Article 09/11/08 2:17 PM EDT
Rose Tennent on Obama ad: "[D]on't put that jive out there in front of me, devil, and tell me that these people are hurting when they are not hurting" Video & Audio 10/31/08 3:37 PM EDT
Rose reacts to explosion of “one disposable Palestinian child”: “They blow up so fast, don't they?” Video & Audio 08/05/09 11:28 PM EDT
Rose reacts to explosion of “one disposable Palestinian child”: “They blow up so fast, don't they?” Video & Audio 08/05/09 11:28 PM EDT
Conservatives fearmonger that health care reform will lead to denying treatment to elderly Article 07/21/09 8:19 PM EDT
Rose on Census: “Acorn [is] being recruited by Obama for a mission that is so frightening” Video & Audio 06/22/09 2:15 PM EDT
Conservative media still promoting Obama birth certificate conspiracy theories Article 06/18/09 2:31 PM EDT
Quinn and Rose agree: If they were Feherty, they “wouldn't have apologized” Video & Audio 05/11/09 3:05 PM EDT
Quinn to artist who submitted pro-impeachment Christmas ornament to White House: “Shut up, bitch” Video & Audio 12/04/08 12:14 PM EST
Conservative radio hosts continue to promote discredited claim that Obama has yet to prove he was born in the U.S. Article 12/03/08 1:01 PM EST
Conservative media react to talk of Obama-led economic recovery by attacking FDR and New Deal Article 11/26/08 9:07 AM EST
Politico article on Obama's recent church attendance ignored Bush's sporadic attendance as president Article 11/24/08 9:17 PM EST