From the January 22 edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Rush Limbaugh Show:
LIMBAUGH: I was referring to Jew-haters, and Mr. Foxman, this is what's been omitted from what you read that I said. I was alluding to what you know exists. You know that there are Jew-haters out there, and I know there are Jew-haters out there, and many of them are in the Obama administration or in his circle of friends.
And Mr. Foxman, if you really want to go after anti-Semitism, you should first start looking at it on the left and within the Obama administration and within his circle of friends because that's where you're going to find it. You're not going to find any antisemitism on this radio show. You're going to find nothing but love and respect and admiration for the Jewish people and an unwavering support for Israel that has not ever shaken.