Deadline Highlights Lingering Damage To Limbaugh In The Wake Of Advertisers' Flight From Show

Deadline, a breaking news website for entertainment, recently higlighted the continuing damage Rush Limbaugh sustained as a result of advertisers fleeing his program after his repeated misogynistic attacks against Sandra Fluke. From Deadline:

Still, sponsors considered him so radioactive that Premiere ordered about 600 stations that carry his show to suspend national barter spots for two weeks. That period ended on Monday. Limbaugh's defamatory comments about Fluke were “part of the normal day-to-day of talk radio,” Clear Channel CEO Bob Pittman told the Associated Press this week.

So is everything back to normal? Not quite says politically progressive watchdog group Media Matters. “We were able to identify nine 'long-term sponsors',” the group's campaign director Angelo Carusone says. “Six of these dropped Rush Limbaugh: Carbonite, Legal Zoom, ProFlowers, Sleep Number, Citrix, and AOL. Premiere has offered no evidence to suggest that any of these six have returned. If we just look at Carbonite, which probably had the strongest relationship with Rush, their departure is still visible on the front page of Rush's website -- there's now an empty space where there used to be a permanent Carbonite ad.” He adds that while Limbaugh says all's well with the business, “his actions tell a different story. He hired a crisis manager and continues to lash out at his critics on his radio show and Twitter feed.”


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