Hour 1: Rush compares House vote on AIG to “mob rule” in “Nazi Germany”

This hour of the Limbaugh Wire brought to you by “mob rule”
by Simon Maloy

Happy first day of spring from The Limbaugh Wire. This changing of the seasons always reminds us of the words of Elizabethan poet Thomas Nashe:

Spring, the sweet spring, is the year's pleasant king,
Then blooms each thing, then maids dance in a ring,
Cold doth not sting, the pretty birds do sing:
Feminazi, socialist, megadittos, teleprompter!

Nashe certainly was ahead of his time ... let's get to it.

Rush kicked off the show the only way he could have -- attacking Obama for his comment on the Tonight Show about the Special Olympics. Of course, this all goes back to Rush's running gag that Obama's teleprompter is a sentient being, which reached new heights with a parody that purported to be a backstage recording of Obama at the Tonight Show making bowling jokes about Alzheimer's patients and Jerry's Kids. According to Rush, Obama's remark show's he's “mean” and that he “has a chip on his shoulder and his wife does too.” Rush also said this was an elegant demonstration of the “myth” of the “American left” -- “that they're the caring ones, that they're the ones that have all the love and the tolerance, that they're the ones that care about the downtrodden and the little guy.”

It's a little difficult for us to take Rush's high-dudgeon offense at Obama's remarks seriously. It rings a little hollow for Rush to chastise someone -- anyone -- else for being insensitive to the plight of disabled individuals, given his harsh and unflinching broadsides against Michael J. Fox's advocacy of stem cell research, accusing Fox of faking or deliberately exacerbating his Parkinson's disease symptoms.

Rush then declared that the United States is a “bipolar” country, with people who view Obama as a “scary” and “incompetent” joke, and others who view him as the “messiah” and are impervious to “logic.” These are primarily the young people, according to Rush -- the twenty- and thirty-somethings, with maybe a few in their 40s.

Leading into the first break, Limbaugh declared that we “now have mob rule the way it started in Nazi Germany,” pointing to reports of AIG executives seeking private security to protect them at their homes. A couple of minutes later, the country switched over from Nazi Germany to Soviet Russia, as Rush said of yesterday's AIG clawback vote in the House: “We are not Soviet Russia and they are not the Politburo, but you can't tell the difference some days in the way they act, in the way they speak.”

Back from the break, Rush returned to the Special Olympics for a while, contrasting Obama with Sarah Palin's message to the 2009 Special Olympics earlier this month, and attacking Joe Biden for asking a wheelchair-bound Missouri politician to stand up at a campaign event.

Back from another break, and Rush noted that the CBO forecast this year's deficit will top $1.9 trillion, declaring that this is a consequence of Obama's budget, which is intended “to destroy the individual and liberty and freedom and the capitalist system that made this country great.” From there, Rush said that he barely contain his anger and profanity when talking about Obama and the Democrats, accusing Treasury Secretary Geithner of “lying through his teeth” about the AIG bonuses, citing Ed Morrissey at HotAir.com. Rush declared that it's “been too damn easy for these people to create a mob aimed at the wrong people,” and blamed “liberal Democrats,” whom he claimed are “finally implementing every dream they have ever had to destroy this nation as founded.”

Rush closed out the hour by reading from a New York Times article, “Scorn Trails A.I.G. Executives, Even in Their Driveways,” pronouncing one of the “angry” women quoted in the article a “convenient dupe.”

Highlights from Hour 1

Outrageous comments

LIMBAUGH: Now, the fact that he can make this joke about Special Olympics people -- there's no question that's something very mean to say, and it's not -- it's not the first time that he has said something. What is the other joke that he made about -- oh, he made a joke about Nancy Reagan and séances. I'm telling you this man is angry and he has a chip on his shoulder and his wife does too. They are -- they're some angry people. They are -- they're really angry.


LIMBAUGH: We live in a world in which the American left is basically a myth, a series of myths that we have been told -- that they are the compassionate ones, that they're the caring ones, that they're the ones that have all the love and the tolerance, that they're the ones that care about the downtrodden and the little guy, when in fact they make fun of them, when in fact the left holds these kinds of people in contempt and uses them for their own advantage. The disadvantaged -- I don't care what category of disadvantaged, the downtrodden economically -- they're props, they're nothing but props, they are used, they are never assisted, they are never genuinely helped.


LIMBAUGH: The Congressional Budget Office says that this year will now top $1.8 trillion. That is exactly half of Obama's proposed budget -- $1.8 trillion. The Democrat Party was having cows when the Bush deficit was $400 billion. This is $1.8 trillion, and there's no end in sight to the new spending. This is to destroy the individual and liberty and freedom and the capitalist system that made this country great -- $1.8 trillion.


LIMBAUGH: It has been too damn easy for these people to create a mob aimed at the wrong people. A mob being used at the Democrat Party to destroy the United States of America as you and I have known it. This is about liberalism, folks. This is not about politics as usual. This is about an ideology or a psychology -- whatever you want to call it -- systematically now with no strains, no constraints, nothing to stop them, finally implementing every dream they have ever had to destroy this nation as founded.

“Socialism” watch

LIMBAUGH: It's irrelevant to me whether or not these bonuses are moral and whether that they're right. What is happening is irresponsible. It is unconscionable. It is unacceptable in a free society. In the America I know, this would cause protests in Washington, not in Fairfield, Connecticut. What happened yesterday at the United States House of Representatives would cause people marching in Washington. Every incumbent would be thrown out in 2010. This is unacceptable. We are not Soviet Russia and they are not the Politburo, but you can't tell the difference some days in the way they act, in the way they speak.

“Fascism” watch

LIMBAUGH: The real outrage today continues to be AIG and what happened yesterday in Congress. This is just -- to me this is unacceptable. We now have mob rule the way it started in Nazi Germany. We have people up in Southport and Fairfield, Connecticut, who are harassing AIG employees in their homes, in their front yards. This is mob rule that has been ginned up. The United States Congress needs to be ashamed. The United States Congress is an embarrassment. The United States Congress is incompetent. The United States Congress is dangerous.

Echo chamber

Cited Hot Air's Ed Morrissey