Hour 2: Limbaugh criticizes Schwarzenegger for supporting Obama emissions proposal

This hour of the Limbaugh Wire brought to you by Schwarzenegger's effort to “destroy the essence of America”
By Greg Lewis and Karl Frisch

Rush started off the second hour of today's show clarifying his remarks from the previous hour. He wanted to make sure his audience knew that he isn't opposed to clean air or saving the planet. He wanted to make sure his words didn't get taken out of context.

After clearing that up, Rush kicked off one of his classic unhinged rants. This one was inspired by his desire to preserve the liberty that founded this country, which apparently is under attack these days by President Obama. Who knew? Rush described how Obama is marketing his programs -- in a Machiavellian and Orwellian manner. Rush added: “Obama believes that we're immoral the way we are, that we're unjust the way we are, and we've now got to pay for it. We've got to pay for our unjustness, and we have to pay for our gluttony, we have to pay for our slovenliness, and we have to pay for our greed. And how are we going to do that? By giving him and Washington more and more of the money we produce -- this, and to let them use in ways that will make America pure once again. When all it is, folks, is a power grab on the part of power hungry people who also happen to be liberals, who simply want to take control of as much as possible.”

After playing some sound bites from Obama's remarks today about the new emissions standards, el Rushbo concluded his rant describing how Obama is “dismantl[ing]” the country:

LIMBAUGH: [I]t was the flowering and the prospering of that human potential, which led and created the greatest nation for people in the history of humanity. And now, it's being dismantled.

It's being dismantled by a man who has no appreciation for the greatness of the country; in fact, resents it. Blames this country for whatever evils and problems he sees around the world. And that's what 39 miles a gallon's all about. And that's what all these taxes and increased prices cost of living is. It's what it's all about. It's about chopping us down in size.

Limbaugh continued to devote the majority of this hour to derivatives of this rant. He went on repeating his claims and asking redundant questions. And he continued his attempts to pick apart Obama's new auto emissions standards.

Rush did take one detour, however, with some more intra-party fighting, again lamenting how moderates in the GOP are running the party and how they want more moderates like Gov. Schwarzenegger, who was out there supporting Obama's emissions proposals today. Limbaugh explained that we have the most radical, liberal, Democratic president in history today, proposing programs every day that will “destroy the essence of America,” and the Republican governor of California agrees with Obama.

Rush brought an end to the second hour with a parody of Elvis' “In the Ghetto,” called “In a Yugo.” But it wasn't even a new parody, which makes the Limbaugh Wire sad. (For those of you who don't know, when you listen to his show online as we do here at the Wire, rather than hear real advertisements, you get to listen to the same old parody songs, jingles, and ads. Trust us, after a few months, the shtick gets a bit monotonous.)

Highlights from Hour 2

Outrageous remarks:

LIMBAUGH: Obama believes that we're immoral the way we are, that we're unjust the way we are, and we've now got to pay for it. We've got to pay for our unjustness, and we have to pay for our gluttony, we have to pay for our slovenliness, and we have to pay for our greed. And how are we going to do that?

By giving him and Washington more and more of the money we produce -- this, and to let them use in ways that will make America pure once again. When all it is, folks, is a power grab on the part of power hungry people who also happen to be liberals, who simply want to take control of as much as possible.


LIMBAUGH: The DNA of the American human being is no different than the DNA of any human being anywhere in the world. We were not born with special God-given privileges that other people don't have. We were constituted and formed as a nation in ways that allowed the full spread and depth of human potential to flower and prosper. And it was the flowering and the prospering of that human potential, which led and created the greatest nation for people in the history of humanity. And now, it's being dismantled.

It's being dismantled by a man who has no appreciation for the greatness of the country; in fact, resents it. Blames this country for whatever evils and problems he sees around the world. And that's what 39 miles a gallon's all about. And that's what all these taxes and increased prices cost of living is. It's what it's all about. It's about chopping us down in size.