Hour 2: Limbaugh, Discussing Health Care Reform Bill: “Get Ready To Get Gang-Raped Again, Folks”

This hour of the Limbaugh Wire brought to you by the “coup” Rush says you “wish would happen here”
By Greg Lewis

Rush wasted little time moving into Hour 2 of today's show. He started off with the Bloomberg article he teased in the previous hour, which reported that the Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill would actually increase the importation of foreign oil. Rush, after repeating how he's a profound defender of the free market system, asserted that Wall Street would “make out like bandits” under cap and trade. He followed this up with another look at the eight Republicans who voted for this “travesty” and repeated his theory that they voted for it because of their connections to Wall Street. Conversely, Rush said the 44 Democrats who voted against the bill “disagreed with Colin Powell.” Rush also proclaimed it a “disgrace” and a “scandal” that this bill was approved by the House, even though it “was never written.” We did a little digging after Rush said this in the last hour, and we still have no idea what he's talking about. And, needless to say, Rush isn't helping us out by offering anything in the way of explication. But for all you skeptics out there who might think Rush is full of it, here, courtesy of the GPO, is the entire Waxman-Markey bill in all its glorious legalese.

Anyway, after reading some passages from the Bloomberg article, Rush concluded that the Waxman-Markey bill was like most liberal legislation: “As is the case with so much liberal legislation -- extreme, radical liberal legislation -- whether the consequences are intended or not, the exact opposite of what is intended happens, be it the Great Society, the war on poverty, you name it.”

After the break, Rush welcomed us back to the program with a friendly greeting: “Well, isn't this good? Get ready to get gang-raped again, folks. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she will not give the public a week to review the final text of a health care reform bill before it's voted on later this year.” Rush added: “Hugo Chavez ain't got anything on us. The way this -- this is the most leftward, radical leftist House of Representatives this nation has ever elected and they are behaving as total statist autocrats.”

Rush continued with his warnings about communism: “We've always had communists and radicals and leftists and socialists running around the Democrat Party. We've never had a majority of them running the damn country. And we do. And you see how they operate. They don't care about anything. What they -- this is going to happen, however they have to cram it down, and whatever you think be damned.”

Rush then took a caller who wondered when Caucasians would “become the minority” in the United States. Rush wasn't sure, but this all but guaranteed another typical Limbaugh rant about race, Obama, and Sotomayor:

LIMBAUGH: The problem is that you've got people running the show now, from Obama all the way down through his administration through the House of Representatives, who regardless of their race are racists. They are far-left, extreme radicals who believe this country has been unjust since its founding. And their objective -- and this describes Sotomayor -- minorities will always be found in favor of, regardless -- wherever it is -- a court, a place of work, wherever -- simply because they've been discriminated.

Maybe they haven't been discriminated against personally, but members of their race have been. This is about get-even-with-them time. This is returning the nation's wealth to its rightful owners. This is radical leftism on parade.

After explaining how Barack Obama is “angry,” (gee, we've heard that one before), Rush went on to explain how cap and trade and health care legislation are “reparations in disguise”:

LIMBAUGH: Some people are thinking -- some people speculating that all of this -- the cap-and-trade legislation, health care reform, is nothing more than reparations in disguise, that it is a way of transferring the nation's wealth to its, quote-unquote, “rightful owners”; that they're smart enough to know that if they call a piece of legislation “reparations,” it doesn't have a prayer. But if they couch the legislation in fairness and compassion -- the usual liberal terms -- that people will go for it, because they think that they have created enough white guilt at all of the unjust immorality of the history of this country that people sit by and let it happen, so that their own personal guilt can be assuaged, regardless of the impact on the country.

After a well-deserved break (for us, anyway), Rush came back with an answer to the previous caller's question. According to an AP article, white people would become a minority in this country in 2042. Rush's producer Snerdley wondered if all the laws that are now benefitting minorities would apply to the white minority at that point.

Then Rush took a call from someone who wondered what was stopping the government from being a total dictatorship. Rush said the only thing stopping it is the next election. Rush warned that you have to consider Obama's “buddies” at ACORN, who will “rig” the election, because that's the Chicago way. Rush then pondered how many people benefit from the “statist dictatorship,” adding that it's hard to vote against the entity that provides you your living.

After complaining about all the liberal “lies” regarding the Reagan years -- that our economic success in the '80s was built on the backs of the poor -- Rush took another caller, this one asking how many czars Obama could appoint. This provided Rush another opportunity to belittle the “domestic violence czar.” Rush figured the only advice this person could possibly provide would be to "[p]ut some ice on it":

LIMBAUGH: So I assume if you're going to have a domestic policy adviser, the advice you're going to get: “Put some ice on it. Your lip's a little swollen and bleeding, put some ice on it,” as you leave the swanky motel room.

Domestic policy -- domestic violence adviser. Why do you need any advice on that? Are there some instances where it's justified and you need an adviser to tell you when? In case, you know, the woman is a Republican and the husband is a Democrat -- that it's perfectly understandable why there'd be domestic violence? We've got to allow for this? What the hell are we doing here?

Believe it or not, but Rush still had some more time left in the second hour to continue his rant on cap and trade and renewable energy. After playing audio of Obama talking about the Waxman-Markey bill today, Rush asserted that it was mostly “lies” and that it would destroy millions of jobs.

Then Rush briefly addressed the weekend's coup in Honduras. Rush said all hell is breaking loose there, and we learned the Obama administration tried to stop the coup. Rush observed that “the coup was what many of you wish would happen here, without the military.” Rush added: “So, they'll meddle in all of these anti -- in all these countries, they're going to promote dictators. Obama will be happy to help dictators survive, including in Iran. He didn't meddle there. He meddled in Honduras. But time to throw Israel overboard, an ally.”

Simon Maloy, Zachary Pleat, and Hannah Kieschnick contributed to this edition of the Limbaugh Wire.

Highlights from Hour 2

Outrageous comments

LIMBAUGH: As is the case with so much liberal legislation -- extreme, radical liberal legislation -- whether the consequences are intended or not, the exact opposite of what is intended happens, be it the Great Society, the war on poverty, you name it.


LIMBAUGH: Well, isn't this good? Get ready to get gang-raped again, folks. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she will not give the public a week to review the final text of a health care reform bill before it's voted on later this year. And Harry Reid has also declined to commit to giving the public a week to read and consider the final health care bill, despite Obama promising that all legislation would be up for five days on one of his stupid websites where everybody could read it.


LIMBAUGH: The problem is that you've got people running the show now, from Obama all the way down through his administration through the House of Representatives, who regardless of their race are racists. They are far-left, extreme radicals who believe this country has been unjust since its founding. And their objective -- and this describes Sotomayor -- minorities will always be found in favor of, regardless -- wherever it is -- a court, a place of work, wherever -- simply because they've been discriminated.

Maybe they haven't been discriminated against personally, but members of their race have been. This is about get-even-with-them time. This is returning the nation's wealth to its rightful owners. This is radical leftism on parade.


LIMBAUGH: Folks, I -- the best way to understand this, I think, is that you -- and it's hard for those of us who are patriots who love this country the way we do -- it's hard to understand there are people who detest it, who hate it, who think it is immoral and unjust and always has been. And this really took root in the '60s. And all these kids in the '60s -- a lot of them in government now, a lot of them at universities teaching your kids various classes, a lot of them are on the bench, the federal bench -- they arrive at these positions with anger in their hearts.

I firmly believe this describes Obama. I think Obama's angry. He's not this cool, calm, collected guy. He's very cold. He's very angry. He's angry at the British over the colonialization of Africa. He's angry at Churchill. He's angry -- he's -- plain -- he's angry at this country for its discrimination, and then slavery past and so forth, and he doesn't think that the proper price has been paid for it.

Some people are thinking -- some people speculating that all of this -- the cap-and-trade legislation, health care reform, is nothing more than reparations in disguise, that it is a way of transferring the nation's wealth to its, quote-unquote, “rightful owners”; that they're smart enough to know that if they call a piece of legislation “reparations,” it doesn't have a prayer. But if they couch the legislation in fairness and compassion -- the usual liberal terms -- that people will go for it, because they think that they have created enough white guilt at all of the unjust immorality of the history of this country that people sit by and let it happen, so that their own personal guilt can be assuaged, regardless of the impact on the country.

“Socialism” watch

LIMBAUGH: Let me tell you something: Hugo Chavez ain't got anything on us. The way this -- this is the most leftward, radical leftist House of Representatives this nation has ever elected and they are behaving as total statist autocrats. They don't care what Obama's promised; they don't care -- they don't want you to read the legislation is the bottom line. They don't want you to find out what's in it. And they are so brazen, they do not believe that you'll care.

As somebody -- I forget. Some blog someplace tried to describe this. They said, well, this -- the House of Representatives has rarely been -- under the Democrats - has rarely been so shameless as this -- so shameless. This is unlike anything this country has ever seen. We've always had communists and radicals and leftists and socialists running around the Democrat Party. We've never had a majority of them running the damn country.

And we do. And you see how they operate. They don't care about anything. What they -- this is going to happen, however they have to cram it down, and whatever you think be damned.

“Fascism” watch

LIMBAUGH: So we've got hell breaking loose in Honduras. Oh, and you know what we learned about Honduras? We learned that the Obama administration tried to stop the coup. Now what was -- the coup was what many of you wish would happen here, without the military.

What happened in Honduras was that the president down there was constitutionally prevented from seeking another term of office. He said, “To hell with it, I'm going to run for it. I'm going to stay in here” -- right out of the page book of Hugo Chavez. And opposition got the military -- “You are not going to destroy the Honduras constitution this way.” And so they kicked him out of office.

And now, you've got the Obama administration upset about that. And they tried to stop this from happening. So, they'll meddle in all of these anti -- in all these countries, they're going to promote dictators. Obama will be happy to help dictators survive, including in Iran. He didn't meddle there. He meddled in Honduras. But time to throw Israel overboard, an ally.

Ladies' man

LIMBAUGH: So now we've got a czar. We've got a domestic violence czar. I had this for you. That's what she's calling about, the opening hour of the program. They just hired a domestic violence czar, an adviser. They're calling -- they're not calling it a czar, but it's a czar. They're calling it -- it's a domestic violence adviser.

What the hell kind of advice are you going to get from a domestic -- about the only kind of advice -- I mean, we're talking about Democrats here, right? We're talking about the party of Bill Clinton. So I assume if you're going to have a domestic policy adviser, the advice you're going to get: “Put some ice on it. Your lip's a little swollen and bleeding, put some ice on it,” as you leave the swanky motel room.

Domestic policy -- domestic violence adviser. Why do you need any advice on that? Are there some instances where it's justified and you need an adviser to tell you when? In case, you know, the woman is a Republican and the husband is a Democrat -- that it's perfectly understandable why there'd be domestic violence? We've got to allow for this? What the hell are we doing here?