This hour of the Limbaugh Wire brought to you by the death warrants signed by car czar-in-chief Obama
By Simon Maloy
Kicking off the hour, Rush intoned that wars can not be won with apologies, but that's what Obama did today in his speech when he apologized to terrorists for the Bush administration. Speaking of terrorists, Rush noted that the homegrown terror cell in New York that the FBI busted up on Wednesday night had converted to Islam in prison. So, Rush said, we can bring the Guantánamo detainees to American prisons and keep them from escaping, but what kind of recruiting can they do inside those prisons? Rush expanded on the arrest -- we've seen that Jew-hating extremists (they planned to bomb synagogues) will try to follow through on their threats, so why don't we take Iran's threats seriously?
Rush then explained how it is that he's so accurately able to describe what Obama is and what he's all about -- because he's worked with people who have an “ego” and are “arrogant.” And if Obama had not been on the defensive today in his national security speech, Rush said, his reaction to the arrest of the New York terror cell would have been to blame this all on Guantánamo and Iraq, and to understand that America brought it on itself. Rush also said that there's a “countervailing” view that this plot happens to be politically convenient for Obama -- the fact that they're home-grown feeds into the idea that America is to blame. Before he could expand on this particular theory, Rush proclaimed that Obama had “nothing to do” with the arrest, it was the New York FBI.
Then Rush moved on to reports that the Obama administration “gave official backing to an agreement allowing the U.S. to share nuclear technology with the United Arab Emirates, part of his broader push to promote and better manage nuclear power globally.” What “frosts” Limbaugh about this, he explained, is that while we're encouraging the UAE to expand nuclear power, the U.S. is exploring windmills and solar panels and taking ourselves back to the Stone Age, and trying to take out the coal industry and big oil.
Then it was time for silly comparisons -- Rush said that there have been 3,444 combat deaths in the U.S. military in the past six years, and then noted that a CNBC columnist wrote that “CAFE kills up to 3,900 extra people each year, a study by Harvard and the Brookings Institition [sic] states. It finds that for every 100 pounds less that an auto weighs, up to 780 more people die in traffic accidents in a year.” Rush wondered of the networks will start reading off the names of Americans killed because of CAFE standards. Rush added: “CAFE standards that Barack Obama ordered as a commander in chief would order troops into battle. His decision, the car czar in chief, has just signed the death warrants of thousands and thousands of innocent Americans.”
Coming back from the break, Rush wanted to clarify something for his listeners -- he said in the first hour that we had been “Castro'd” by Obama, not “castrated.” Then he took a call from a woman who, taking a cue from El Rushbo, said the only person who was castrated today was Barack Obama and Dick Cheney was holding the knife. The caller also praised Cheney's “eloquence” and said that at some point Obama and the liberals are going to have to stop blaming Bush for everything. Rush said she was wrong -- all of this business about torture and closing Guantánamo is designed, said Rush, to set up Bush and Cheney to take the blame the next time America is attacked.
Another break and Rush was back, noting that the Federal Reserve predicted that the recession will be deeper than previously forecast. Rush then asked a question that was “born of simple logic” -- how can economic forecasts get gloomier after the porkulus bill and earmarkulus and auto bailouts were passed? How can the forecast get worse after all of these stimulants? Rush said he still cringes when he thinks of Obama's commencement speeches, saying that college graduates should be encouraged to go out and work and produce instead of working for nonprofits, who are “freeloaders begging for grants.” We'd just like to point out at this juncture that the Heritage Foundation, whose work Rush routinely and effusively praises, is one of those “freeloading” nonprofit organizations that college grads should stay away from.
Then Rush had another question -- every time Obama goes out to talk about the economy, do you get the sense he really cares? Not surprisingly, Rush doesn't get that sense. Obama just offers “platitudinous” speeches about a wonderful utopia down the road. There's a way to stop all this economic mess right now, Rush said, and he laid it out in his Wall Street Journal op-ed -- cut taxes, specifically capital gains and the corporate tax rate. As we enjoy pointing out, real economists -- not people who play one on the radio -- think those exact measures are ineffective economic stimulus.
Going into the final break, Rush took a call from a woman attacking Obama for “laughing” when the market tanked earlier in the year, saying that Obama is trying to get even with people who have succeeded. Rush said she's nailed it, Obama wants to return the nation's wealth to its rightful owners. And there's a “personal” element to this, said Rush -- the Obamas were living way beyond their means before the book royalties came in, and liberals care about money as much as anyone else, but liberals like Obama go to Ivy League schools, and they come out of those schools with a deep resentment for the rich.
After the final break, Rush took one more call from a woman who praised Rush for not attacking people as individuals. Perhaps she missed the previous hour of the program in which he expounded on Obama's ego, arrogance, and Ivy League-bred resentment towards rich people, but Rush nonetheless thanked her. The caller then expressed her dismay at the signs of “fascism” she sees here in the U.S. under Obama. Rush said she's not the first person to say this, and others are alarmed that the American people have bought into Obama's proto-fascist regime.
Highlights from Hour 2
Outrageous comments
LIMBAUGH: Now, the liberals told us American deaths -- not just combat but American deaths since the war began, March 19 of '03: 4,296. The combat deaths: 3,444. Thirty-nine hundred deaths on the highways additional because of CAFE standards. Maybe the networks will start reading off the names of those Americans killed as a result of CAFE standards at the end of their broadcasts; CAFE standards that Barack Obama ordered as a commander in chief would order troops into battle. His decision, the car czar in chief, has just signed the death warrants of thousands and thousands of innocent Americans. I doubt they'll get -- families will get letters of condolence. And you might say that this is a sneak attack on the Social Security system. More people get killed in CAFE standard auto crashes, the less you'll have to pay out in the future.
Clips from this hour
Limbaugh: “All of this is to set up blaming Bush and Cheney for the next [terrorist] hit”