This hour of the Limbaugh Wire brought to you by Obama's desire to “deconstruct” the Constitution
By Simon Maloy
Rush got the second hour rolling by saying that he's going to revisit how Democrats and CNN attempted to destroy Samuel Alito during his Supreme Court nomination. Rush read extensively from an American Thinker post by Jan LaRue, who wrote that “privileged, wealthy, white Democrats attacked Brown as an 'extreme right-wing' judge who didn't care about 'civil rights' or the 'down-trodden.' They were unconstrained by accusations of racism and sexism.” La Rue concluded the piece with: “A Latina woman can take it, especially a former prosecutor who grew up in the South Bronx. Besides, she's probably looking forward to the chance to prove she's smarter than white guys.” Rush bet that bit offended someone, and that a number of people probably thought Limbaugh is a racist for saying that: “You know people reacted that way but she is the one who said that she's smarter and better than white guys.” No, she didn't.
Then Rush aired sound bytes of Ted Kennedy and Chuck Schumer attacking Alito as “extreme” and so forth. Then he aired a clip of Howard Dean from the October 31, 2005, edition of Hardball allegedly saying that Alito is connected to the Mafia. The clip Rush aired, however, didn't demonstrate that in any way. Luckily, Media Matters happens to have transcript and video of that exact moment -- what happened was that Chris Matthews falsely accused the Democrats of saying that Alito was “lenient” on the mafia, and Dean denied that allegation. Rush then moved on to CNN's Bill Schneider, accusing him of conducting polling to help the Democrats oppose Alito, saying that the way to kill the nomination was to say that Alito was against Roe v. Wade. And for some reason, Rush said, Republicans want to appease the Bill Schneiders of the world. Rush once again said that we're going to “enshrine racism” on the Supreme Court with Sotomayor, and that all of her proponents have forgotten the goals and admonitions of Martin Luther King.
After the break, Rush took his first call of “Open Line Friday!” The caller took things off in a completely new direction, saying that she is a Democrat who agrees with Rush on Sotomayor. You can never tell what kind of crazy things will happen on “Open Line Friday!” Anyway, the caller said that she doesn't know if Sotomayor is a racist or not, but Supreme Court justices must have control of their tongues because they represent the people of this country and defend the Constitution. Rush says that's a brilliant point, but that's not what Obama wants: “He's not looking at someone to defend the Constitution. He is constrained by it. He wants someone who can do his bidding there and that is deconstruct it.”
After the break, Rush counseled everyone not to focus on Sotomayor's “wise Latina” comments too much (even though he had spent the past 90 minutes talking almost exclusively about that remark). Rush said: “Here's a woman who has admitted that her job as a judge is to make policy. That is just as good a reason to disqualify her. She's admitting that she is going to look for ways around the Constitution and she says that she can find them better than white people because of the rich life she's led as a Latina.” As we explained yesterday, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia -- whose brain Rush has his eye on -- wrote almost the exact same thing.
Rush's next caller said that he understands that truth-telling is popular, and that's what we need from politicians, and he always thought John Cornyn was a strong conservative, but his comments about Rush and Sotomayor have caused him to rethink that. Rush said that there's a big difference between getting votes is very different from getting an audience, and that Cornyn's comments are all based on polling. Republicans, he said, are as afraid of the Hispanic vote as they are of conservative Christians. Rush said he thinks Republicans want Hispanics to replace conservative Christians in the party. All of these Republicans in Washington, said Rush, have this fear of moderates and independents fleeing in droves over extreme rhetoric, which they define as being “truthful.” Rush wanted to remind everyone again that his analysis of Sotomayor is not aimed at keeping her off the court, but there is an opportunity here to tell the country who Obama is by telling the country who she is. Rush said he was dumbfounded by this reluctance by Republicans to contrast themselves with their enemies. It's almost as if they're content to share power as losers. John Cornyn can be loved by NPR -- all he has to do is bash Rush or Newt. That's how you get on these media programs, Rush said. His next caller wanted to know how much “influence” lobbyists and staffers have over elected officials. Rush's short answer: “Profound.”
One more break and Rush was back saying that he heard from someone that judges wear black robes to hide their bias, or something like that. If that's true, said Rush, then Sotomayor's robe will be transparent, she's told us that she'll legislate from the bench. Then Rush aired a sound byte of Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) saying that he doesn't know the details of the cap-and-trade legislation, and that much of the bill was left to the scientists, whom Rush deemed the “global warming hoaxers.”
Rush rounded out the hour with a caller from Fresno who said there's going to be a gay rights march in her town because the homosexuals have decided that since California's Central Valley voted for Proposition 8, they're bigots. Rush said the objective is to intimidate you, and they're going to keep it up until they wear you out, but everyone should ignore them.
Highlights from Hour 2
Outrageous comments
LIMBAUGH: That's not why President Obama wants Sonia Sotomayor on the Supreme Court today. He's not looking at someone to defend the Constitution. He is constrained by it. He wants somebody who can do his bidding there, and that is deconstruct it.
LIMBAUGH: Here's a woman who has admitted that her job as a judge is to make policy. That is just as good a reason to disqualify her. She's admitting that she is going to look for ways around the Constitution, and she says that she can find them better than white people because of the rich life she's led as a Latina.
America's Truth Rejector
LIMBAUGH: As Jan LaRue writes, “A Latina woman can take it anyway, especially a former prosecutor who grew up in the South Bronx. Besides, she's probably looking forward to the chance to prove that she's smarter than the white guys.” Jan LaRue talking about Sotomayor. Now, did that offend you? I'll bet it offended some people. I'll bet people who thought I was saying those words myself rather than reading Jan LaRue's words -- “She just wants to prove she's smarter than the white guys -- Oh, Limbaugh's so racist.” You know people reacted to it that way, but she is the one who said that she's smarter and better than white guys.