Hour 2: Limbaugh: Sotomayor Has A “Minority Mindset”

This hour of the Limbaugh Wire brought to you by Judge Sotomayor's “minority mindset”
By Greg Lewis

The second hour commenced with Rush bringing up an article in Time headlined, “Obama's Stimulus Plan: Failing by its Own Measure.” Rush wondered why Time would run this story after it ran 40 covers of Obama in about 20 weeks. He continued, adding that everyone is missing how the stimulus is doing everything its “architect” intended for it to do: benefit Democrats and unions, and destroy the economy. So, yeah, basically everything Rush said yesterday, two weeks ago, two months ago, etc.

But that wasn't the end of “Repeat-Yourself Tuesday.” Rush then pulled up an article from Fortune magazine headlined, “National health care may never happen,” and read from it at length. Rush said that Obama wants to push through health care quickly because the economy is tanking -- speed and deception is the tactic here, just like with the Sotomayor hearings.

Then Rush briefly referenced Mort Zuckerman's Wall Street Journal op-ed this morning, before going back to Robert Samuelson's Newsweek column he read from yesterday. Then it was more of the same. Rush made an issue out of the fact that many taxpayers “don't pay income tax” -- only payroll, sales taxes, etc. -- so these people favor tax increases on everyone else. Politicians like Obama know this, and they use it to create class envy, control the economy, and to advance their own interests. Also, Rush explained how tax increases don't raise revenue, and that Obama is “purposefully” destroying the middle class. This went on for a while, and, again, if you've been tuning into the Limbaugh Wire at all for the past few months, then you've surely heard it before.

After the break, Rush criticized Obama for saying that the unemployment rate would continue to rise, accusing him of making a “strategic announcement” that would be overshadowed by the Sotomayor hearings. We're not sure why Rush is making a big deal about this, considering Obama made similar remarks about rising unemployment three weeks ago, and the Wall Street Journal's most recent survey of economists says they “forecast an unemployment rate of at least 10% through next June.”

After another break, Rush returned with a Politico article headline, “Obama's rosy scenario turns thorny.” Rush read some quotes from the article, and used it as another piece of evidence for his claim that the Obama administration was rushing health care before the economy got worse. Rush says the way the Democrats are talking about the economy is the same way they talked about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq in 1998 and during the lead-up to the Iraq war. But when no WMDs were found, explained Rush, “all of a sudden Joe Wilson surfaced” and started the whole “parade” of “Bush lied.” Rush said that Biden is reading from the same script, saying that they didn't know how bad the economy was because Bush lied to them about how bad it was. Rush came up with a new slogan to emphasize his point: “Obama lied and the economy died.”

Rush then enthusiastically returned to the New York Times/CBS poll showing Obama's approval rating dropped to 57 percent, noting that the drop came from Democrats and independents. Hey, you remember when that last New York Times/CBS poll found that a huge majority of Americans want health care reform? Rush didn't care for that finding, and at the time he dismissed the poll out-of-hand as “rigged.” One would assume that “rigging” a poll would be grounds to never again trust a polling outfit's results, but Rush was clearly excited over the poll's latest findings, and he didn't seem to have the same concerns over its methodology. Funny, that...

Then Rush took a call from someone who tried to explain to Rush that community colleges are taking the place of high schools regarding economics, and college is another means to keep people in school to continue brainwashing them. Rush elaborated on this, saying that if people are losing health care, they'll support health care reform. This was just like Marie Antoinette, said Rush, as he compared the ill-fated French queen to the current occupants of the White House: " 'They don't have bread? Let them eat cake.' Michelle Obama, Barack Obama: 'They don't have jobs? Let them hear about universal health care.' "

The next caller told Rush about how liberals excuse themselves from laws they put on others, and that Sotomayor lies and misrepresents what she believes. Rush said this was exactly right, and continued to make the same point he's been making on Sotomayor for the past two hours, days, weeks, and months.

On the other side of the commercial break, Rush took a caller who wanted to know if any of the senators would ask about Sotomayor's affiliations with the National Council of La Raza. Rush said the senators probably wouldn't because they want the Hispanic vote.

Then it was time for some sound bites from today's hearings. After playing some bites from Sen. Leahy, Rush claimed that there was “no way” to take the “wise Latina” quote out of context. Sure there is. How do we know there is a way? Because Rush did it over and over. From there, Rush played a few clips from Sotomayor at the hearing and finished out the hour by arguing that she has a “minority mindset”:

LIMBAUGH: These people know what it's like to have a tough and hard and miserable life because of the majority in this country and they -- because of the disadvantages and the discrimination that they have found -- they are going to be able to make wiser rulings to help them. That's what she believes.

It's not about sound judging. It's about reversing power and using the law to do it, from a flawed perception of who has power in the first place. She's got this minority mindset. And part of the minority mindset is you're always getting beat up; you're always being discriminated against; you're always being treated unfairly. “I'm gonna fix it! And everybody that comes from that rich background of being treated unfairly and discriminated against -- we know how to get even!” That's what - she's not talking about sound judging.

Simon Maloy, Zachary Pleat, and Ariana Probinsky contributed to this edition of the Limbaugh Wire.

Highlights from Hour 2

Outrageous comments

LIMBAUGH: It's like Marie Antoinette. Remember? Now she didn't actually say this -- Marie Antoinette has been crucified, theoretically, philosophically, by history -- you know, the whole thing, “Marie Antoinette, they don't have any bread.” “Fine, let them eat cake.” In fact, when I first heard that, you know, I was a kid, and I said, what's wrong with eating cake? I'd much rather eat cake than bread. Give me a good old-fashioned white cake or yellow cake anytime over bunny bread or some of this, you know, store-bought, processed -- no, no, no, the bread back -- the cake back in those days was the scrapings from the oven. I said, oh, OK.

But let's go along with history and Marie Antoinette: “They don't have bread? Let them eat cake.” Michelle Obama, Barack Obama: “They don't have jobs? Let them hear about universal health care.”


LIMBAUGH: These people know what it's like to have a tough and hard and miserable life because of the majority in this country and they -- because of the disadvantages and the discrimination that they have found -- they are going to be able to make wiser rulings to help them. That's what she believes.

It's not about sound judging. It's about reversing power and using the law to do it, from a flawed perception of who has power in the first place. She's got this minority mindset. And part of the minority mindset is you're always getting beat up; you're always being discriminated against; you're always being treated unfairly. “I'm gonna fix it! And everybody that comes from that rich background of being treated unfairly and discriminated against -- we know how to get even!” That's what -- she's not talking about sound judging.