Hour 2: Limbaugh suggests the left wants “mass euthanasia”

This hour of the Limbaugh Wire brought to you by the asphalt that grows on trees
By Simon Maloy

Rush got the second hour started by letting us know that National Review's Mark Steyn will be filling in for him tomorrow, thus ruining the rest of today and tomorrow for us.

Rush then claimed that Obama telling the press yesterday that Eric Holder will determine whether to investigate former Bush administration officials was like Bill Clinton punting questions on the Waco siege to Janet Reno. If Holder does launch an investigation, Rush said, Obama will just say he left it all up to the attorney general.

Then Rush finally got back to Earth Day, which he claimed was created to spread the hoax that is global warming and climate change. Rush noted that the History Channel aired a program on what the earth would look like without humans, Rush suggested mass euthanasia is exactly what the left wants. But everything -- everything! -- on the earth, Rush said, is from the earth. Rush said it's like when a old woman with a bunch of cats passes away and the people who clean their house need to wear hazmat suits because of all the “cat poop.” Rush then listed a bunch of things that come from the earth -- asphalt, toilet paper, plastic -- saying we're not “polluting,” we're just using what's been provided to us.

Then Rush pointed to polling that shows children are worried about the environment, and blamed this on Al Gore and An Inconvenient Truth. And, once again, Gore was also to blame for the “stupid” woman who jumped into the polar bear enclosure at the Berlin Zoo a couple of weeks back. Again, that sort of this is exactly what the left wants, according to Rush. They want you afraid, and they want to indoctrinate kids with the belief that the earth won't exist some day.

After the break, Rush read a list of people whom the EIB Network wanted to salute this Earth Day -- coal miners; Henry Ford; oil drillers; Alfred Nobel, for inventing the dynamite we use to kill our enemies; the inventor of the high-density plastic bag, “which can handle up to 40 pounds of stuff, more than your average homeless person can carry;” Thomas Edison; the Wright Brothers; and, lastly, God, who had to wait until after the break to get his due recognition. After the break, Rush aired audio of Charlton Heston, who called into Rush's program some time back so he could read on-air the foreword to Jurassic Park, which concludes by saying that the earth will survive whatever humans do and will not miss us when we are gone. Rush added to that: “Nor would the earth miss President Obama.”

Then Rush read the entirety of a Philadelphia Bulletin article on Ira Einhorn, “a co-founder of the environmentalist jubilee” who was also known as “the Unicorn Killer.” The point being, you see, that because this one person involved in the environmentalist movement was a murderer -- just like other “environmentalists,” such as the Unabomber and the domestic terrorist just added to the FBI's Most Wanted list -- that somehow discredits the entire environmentalist movement. Well, if we're going to play silly little games like this, we should point out that Henry Ford, who Rush honored in the previous segment, was linked to Nazi Germany, and that “Hitler was an admirer of American mass production techniques and an avid reader of the antisemitic tracts penned by Henry Ford.” Does this aspect of Ford's life, which as nothing to do with cars, discredit the entire automobile industry? In the real world, no. But it would if we're going by Rush's logic, then yes, it does.

After the break Rush continued to read from the Bulletin article on Einhorn, noting that the author explored the “irony” of the fact that more people were killed by Einhorn than by the Three Mile Island nuclear accident, which occurred on the day Einhorn was arrested. That's not “irony”; that's tragedy.

After reading extensively from an Investor's Business Daily editorial attacking environmentalism, Rush took a call from a man who wanted to explore Rush's theory about the left and their emotional responses to everything. Rush said the problem with people with a “strict” emotional response is that you can't get through to them, they live in a cocoon, and anything that challenges their worldview they lash out at. Rush then lamented that we have “irresponsible” politicians who play to that emotional response. They're demagogues, said Rush, and chief among them is, of course, President Obama.

Highlights from Hour 2

Outrageous comments

LIMBAUGH: Next we honor on this Earth Day an inventor whose legacy has spread all over the Earth: Gordon Dancy. Ever heard of him? Gordon Dancy invented the first high-density plastic grocery bag, which can handle up to 40 pounds of stuff, more than your average homeless person can carry. That singular invention had benefitted our daily life on Earth in multitudinous ways, and yet various cities want to outlaw this amazing intervention because somehow it pollutes. Yet, it is from the Earth, actually a derivative of oil.

Echo chamber

Read extensively from a Philadelphia Bulletin article on Ira Einhorn, and an Investor's Business Daily editorial on environmentalism.

Clips from this hour

Discussing History Channel program, Limbaugh suggests the left wants “mass euthanasia”

Limbaugh “guarantee[s]” that woman who jumped in zoo polar bear exhibit saw “Al Gore's movie” or picture of polar bears on small amount of ice

Limbaugh claims Obama can't be “in charge of our new morality” because he “supports infanticide”