Hour 2: Paranoid Rush: For Obama, “Getting Rid Of The 22nd Amendment Is Chump Change”

This hour of the Limbaugh Wire brought to you by Captain Planet and Jay Gatsby
By Simon Maloy

Rush got the second hour going by saying that he received a lot of emails from listeners telling him that he's lost his mind on this 22nd Amendment business. Rush read one email in which a listener wrote that the president can't just unilaterally do away with portions of the Constitution, and what Rush is saying is dangerous. Rush was incredulous at the claim that the president doesn't have that kind of authority, telling the emailer to look at all the stuff that's happening in the country right now that the president is doing that he doesn't have the authority to do. Rush spent the rest of the segment enumerating these alleged excesses of presidential authority, including the GM bankruptcy, cap and trade, Obama's “czars,” the bank bailouts, and pretty much every other action Obama has taken over the past five months. Rush even read verbatim from a press release on the cap-and-trade bill from House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) as more evidence of Obama's alleged presidential excesses. Rush concluded the segment by saying that, in our hemisphere, the Marxists are rising, adding: “Folks, let me -- getting rid of the 22nd Amendment is chump change compared to what this man's already achieved that nobody thought could happen.”

After the break, Rush said that most House Democrats are nuts, but Rep. Jose Serrano (D-NY) is so crazy that he introduced a bill to repeal the 22nd Amendment earlier this year. This means, said Rush, that they're already trying to get rid of it! This smear has actually already been debunked by FactCheck.org, which noted that Serrano introduced the same bill three times during the Bush presidency. So Serrano isn't interested in installing Obama as dictator for life, he just has a beef with term limits. Anyway, Rush continued on this “crazy” Democrats theme for a little longer, saying, “You have to be a whacked-out, environmentalist nutcase fraud to think that cap and trade is going to help anything. You have to be practically insane to believe that man has an effect on the climate of this planet.”

Rush then noted that Zbigniew Brzezinski explained the “Obama Doctrine” on Charlie Rose last night, saying that the world has been “politically awakened,” and “so we have to be able to conduct a foreign policies that's far more flexible, imaginative, and aware of the mood of the rest of the world, in which great many people are really yearning and claiming self-respect. Because until recently, they were dominated by the West, through colonialism and imperialism. And if we understand that, if we don't act like a latecomer to the age of imperialism in the way we treat others, I think we can manage the world. And this is for Obama, his credentials and his intellect are very pertinent and very much historically on time.” Rush said that to say the masses have awakened politically is “absurd” because in this country, they're going to sleep. Rush wanted to know where is this political awakening taking place, “in Obama's brother's hut?” This is more left-wing claptrap, said Rush.

Then it was on to another caller, who said that her husband has been laid off from Caterpillar since January. Rush said she's mistaken -- Obama said Caterpillar was going to recover because of the stimulus. Then Rush read from the AP story on metropolitan unemployment -- again. And then he guaranteed that most of these cities have been run by liberal Democrats -- again. Rush's next caller said that cap and trade will destroy the oil and gas industry. Rush said that's the intent: to destroy traditional forms of energy and make us use these green technologies. Rush said Obama is saying that the bill will give us energy independence, but that's not true. Every day, Rush lamented, is becoming a crock.

Another break and Rush was back with another caller, who wondered if prospective home buyers will be denied mortgages by banks if they want to buy a house that's energy inefficient. Rush said the way he sees it is that they're not going to allow you to sell an energy-inefficient home until it's brought up to Obama's standards. But the standards can shift at any time, said Rush, so people who've already tried to bring their house up to standard could get screwed. This has already happened in the House, Rush warned, and it could happen in the Senate because there are some squishy RINOs in there who buy into this environmentalist stuff.

Then Rush read from George Will's “great column” in The Washington Post this morning regarding yesterday's Ricci ruling, in which Will lamented the “egregious behavior by [New Haven's] government, in a context of racial rabble-rousing, did not seem legally suspect to even one of the court's four liberals, whose harmony seemed to reflect result-oriented rather than law-driven reasoning.” Rush asked us to remember what F. Scott Fitzgerald allegedly once said to Hemingway: “The rich are different from you and me.” Rush expanded on this: “Liberals are different from you and me.” Then Professor Limbaugh showed up to give us a biochemistry lesson: “The liberal brain fires in a totally different way. Years and years and years of propaganda has robbed liberals of the ability to reason and think. They are programmed human robots. Somebody got a hold of 'em, either in the '60s, in college, junior high, when they're watching cartoons on TV, Captain Planet, whatever it is. They don't think like we do. They just don't.” Hearing this, we thought of a Hemingway quote as a rejoinder: “An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with his fools,” and suddenly we found ourselves with a game plan for tomorrow's show...

Anyway, Rush continued in this vein, saying that liberals practice racism -- they side with minorities and believe that the majority in this country is corrupt and must pay, and the courts are one way in which they must pay. This is how liberals think, said Rush, and it's misplaced hope to think that liberals are going to see reason in the law. They don't look at it as a means to find legal adjudication. They look at it as a way to level the playing field according to their view of how it's unfair.

One more break and Rush announced that he had struck “pay dirt,” noting that Time's Mark Halperin posted the transcript of his Obama-22nd Amendment lunacy on his website, The Page. Rush said that the cable networks will get at least two or three days out of it.

Rush then took a call from a woman who wanted to know how anyone can think the Sanford affair is romantic. Rush said she's asking a rational question about liberal women in the media, who think differently. They are swooning over this, these liberal media babes. Rush's next caller said the more people are unemployed, the more they're going to be dependent on the government to take care of them. Rush said he's sized it up pretty well, and Rush is convinced this is all part of a plan. The Obama people, said Rush, love chaos; they view it as an opportunity to grow government. They're building the foundation for it. Remember, Rush said, that he said back in January that the media were able to convince people, during an economic boom, that we were in a recession. Well, said Rush, now the economy's in the tank and they're trying to convince you that it's good.

Rush closed out the hour by attacking Robert Reich's Salon.com column yesterday, saying that Reich is upset that Obama “ain't coming through.”

Greg Lewis and Zachary Pleat contributed to this edition of the Limbaugh Wire.

Highlights from Hour 2

Outrageous comments

LIMBAUGH: Folks, let me -- getting rid of the 22nd Amendment is chump change compared to what this man's already achieved that nobody thought could happen.


LIMBAUGH: You have to be a whacked-out, environmentalist nutcase fraud to think that cap and trade is going to help anything. You have to be practically insane to believe that man has an effect on the climate of this planet.


LIMBAUGH: Folks, do you remember what F. Scott Fitzgerald said about the rich? He said the rich are different from you and me. Liberals are different from you and me. I think it's time to forget holding out hope for liberal judges, folks. They are not like us. They don't look at the judicial system the way we do. They don't look at the law the way we do.

The liberal brain fires in a totally different way. Years and years and years of propaganda has robbed liberals of the ability to reason and think. They are programmed human robots. Somebody got a hold of 'em, either in the '60s, in college, junior high, when they're watching cartoons on TV, Captain Planet, whatever it is. They don't think like we do. They just don't.