Hour 2: Rush Calls Depressed College Students “Mental Cases” With “Linguine For Spines”

This hour of the Limbaugh Wire brought to you by America's linguine-spined college students
By Simon Maloy

Rush got the second hour started not by expounding on his recommendation that counterfeiting be made legal, but instead with a Drudge special -- a story from NBC Washington claiming that a field trip of kindergarteners was turned away from the White House after their buses showed up late, the reason being that the White House “needed to get ready for the president's event with the Super Bowl champion Pittsburgh Steelers.” Rush said that the long-term psychological effects of this on the kids are likely incalculable.

To reinforce this “point,” Rush read from an Associated Press article which reported that the “vast majority of college students are feeling stressed these days, and significant numbers are at risk of depression.” Rush was shocked that all these students are depressed in the time of Obama's hope and change. What explains this depression? Rush said he has the answer -- the people in this poll have more than likely been to their share of self-esteem classes and have been told how wonderful and special they are. That's why they're coming out of college as “mental cases” with “linguine for spines.” This, as you might expect Rush would conclude, was another gigantic failure of “liberalism,” which was enacted with good intentions but instead produced “head cases” graduating from college. It's also Obama's fault too, apparently, because Obama's “hope and change” was supposed to transform everyone into “optimistic unifiers.”

After the break we finally got around to legalized counterfeiting. We were excited that Rush had stumbled upon a unique fix for the nation's economic woes that would simultaneously land him in trouble with the Secret Service. Instead, we were treated to an on-air recitation of an American Thinker blog entry titled: “Time to Legalize Counterfeiting.” We think we know why Rush like this blog entry so much -- it's identical to many Rush Limbaugh bits, with a whole lot of set-up culminating in a lame punch line. In this case, the ham-fisted bit concluded with: “Universal counterfeiting could be the entitlement program that ends all other entitlement programs and sets us free. It is time to stand up and tell our legislators we want universal counterfeiting. If they protest, 'You cannot just print money,' then promptly respond in kind, 'Why not? It works for you.' ”

It was a letdown for us, mainly because fiscal policy satire usually makes such great radio.

Speaking of great radio, Rush took a call after the break from a man who said he really loves it when Rush talks about his jet-setting, celebrity-golfing lifestyle. Rush said he's led a blessed life, and that's why he doesn't understand why all these college students are depressed. Rush added: “If they're going to be depressed about something, be depressed at Obama who is the one that is taking away some opportunity.” Then the caller asked Rush to explain the inside details of what happens when he's invited to VIP sports events, and Rush obligingly granted the man's wish.

And just when we thought the hour couldn't get any more entertaining, Rush came back from the break explaining that he received an e-mail during the commercial time-out regarding a comment he had made when explaining how great it is to be a VIP at sporting events -- specifically, Rush said he felt like a 5-year-old at these events. Apparently, the listener who emailed said that if Rush really wants to feel like a 5-year-old, he should have Al Michaels turn him away at the next event after showing up a few minutes late. Because that's what happened at the White House, Rush helpfully explained. As we've said before, if you have to explain the joke, it ain't that funny.

Rush rounded out the hour with a caller who blamed Rush for his rejection from Yale Medical School. According to the caller, his interview with Yale touched on the New England Patriots, and one of his interrogators said that she doesn't like that football players make so much money for doing something they love, and the caller responded by asking the woman if everyone should hate their jobs. This apparently derailed the interview. Rush said he did the caller a favor -- what did he want to go to Yale Medical School for, anyway? Our guess would be the elite medical degree. Anyway, Rush said that if you go to an Ivy League school in the age of Obama, the education you're going to get is how to deal with Medicare patients and learning to deal with having your compensation lowered.

Thus concluded yet another hour on the Excellence in Broadcasting network.

Highlights from Hour 2

Outrageous comments

LIMBAUGH: My life is blessed, it really is. That's why these kids coming out of college being depressed irritates me -- there's no reason for it. If they're going to be depressed about something, be depressed at Obama, who is the one that's taking away some opportunity, but it's still out there.

Echo chamber

Read American Thinker blog entry, “Time to Legalize Counterfeiting,” in its entirety.