Hour 2: Rush laments about “emotional chaos” in the country under “an extremist, tyrannical president”

This hour of the Limbaugh Wire brought to you by the tyranny of Ed Norton
By Simon Maloy

Top of the hour, and Rush was still upset about smart meters, saying he received a note from a friend who has a friend who is an “industry expert” who said that 40 percent of all electricity is stolen, so people will find a way to get around these smart meters. And speaking of energy usage, Rush informed us that he cranked up all the lights in his home last night because he was watching Edward Norton and Alanis Morissette on Larry King last night promoting Earth Hour, a climate change awareness initiative asking people to turn their lights off for an hour on Saturday. According to Rush, this is all part of the “emotional chaos” gripping the country, exemplified by “the election of [an] extremist, tyrannical president.” As a countermeasure, Rush encouraged his listeners to crank up their lights: “I urge all of you, especially those of you who are stealing your electricity by short-changing the meter, fire 'em up.”

You heard it hear, folks -- Rush Limbaugh encouraging people already stealing electricity to steal more electricity.

Rush returned from the break still fired up on this issue, because he hates it when people “act like sheep.” According to Rush, if you willingly turn your lights off for an hour when asked to by an actor, that means you're more likely to turn your lights off when ordered to. We're not sure which actors have the kind of clout to order people to shut off their lights. Maybe De Niro. Anyway, while discussing the subject, Rush theorized that a blackout will result in a mini-baby boom nine months later. Or rather, Rush said: "[W]e know that when the lights go off on a power failure, nine months later, bam-o! We've got more human beings and more abortions, depending on who got pregnant."

Before the break, Rush took a call from a man expounding on a topic Rush touched on earlier -- the alleged “banning” of black paint for cars in California in order to cut air conditioner use and reduce emissions. Rush and the caller went back and forth over whether black cars or white cars reflected more heat, grappling with the science behind the issue. Coming back from the break, Rush declared that it doesn't matter whether a black car or a white car reflects or absorbs more heat -- the point is that the California Air Resources Board is “dictating” that you can't have a black car. Rush tied this back to Ed Norton and Earth Hour, claiming that those who “mindlessly play along” with these sorts of things are simply demonstrating their willingness to “play along” all for the purpose of making an actor or singer feel relevant. It's sort of like a bunch of people coming together to hold “tea parties” based on the recommendation of a faux-populist financial news personality, and egged on by a conservative radio host...

Anyway, it was time for another caller, this one asking Rush to explain to “the liberals” that if they succeed with limiting the pay of financial industry executives, then when conservatives come back into power, they'll limit the pay of union bosses and so forth. Limbaugh tied this to a “monologue” he delivered a few weeks ago on this very topic -- that the left is going to enact these “tyrannical powers,” but conservatives will come back into authority and use these very same powers to punish all the liberals. Rush said this actually would never happen, because conservatives don't seek revenge and would actually want to return power to the people... but it would be fun... but warning the “liberals” about this is “fruitless” anyway because the liberals believe that they'll never lose power -- that's the point of tyranny. So... he's already warned liberals that conservatives will take revenge, even though they won't, but they might, but it doesn't matter because the warning wasn't listened to anyway. Can we have the last five minutes of our life back please?


Shoot... Well, one more break before the hour ended, and Rush came back ranting about the special election in NY-20 and how Democrat Scott Murphy is using Republican Jim Tedisco's “Limbaugh is meaningless to me” comment (and subsequent “clarification”) as a campaign tactic. Rush was very upset about this, and wanted to tell all the voters in NY-20 that Murphy is “lacking” in “character” and “qualifications,” so he has to run against a radio host.

Highlights from Hour 2

Outrageous comments

LIMBAUGH: Now this level, folks, of emotional chaos, this level of emotional derangement, it's been present in this country for a long time, but, look with the election of extremist, tyrannical president, look at all of it that he's brought to the surface. And you watch this stuff and you go, “This is not the country I live in. This is not America. This is not the country I was raided in. This is not the country I grew up in.”


LIMBAUGH: I urge all of you, especially those of you who are stealing your electricity by short-changing the meter, fire 'em up -- Saturday night, 8:30. They chose 8:30 'cause daylight time -- of course, it's still -- it gets dark by 8:30 -- fire 'em up! I mean, fire up every light you've got. Go out and drive your car and turn the headlights on after you've turned every light on the house -- in the house on and the outside. Just fire it up.

Go out and rent spotlights. Go out and get some lights and light the buildings where the lights have been turned off. Somebody's got to make up for the electricity not being used.


LIMBAUGH: I mentioned that they're going to have videos of what people do when the lights are off. That's what the website says. And I -- we know that when the lights go off on a power failure, nine months later, bam-o! We've got more human beings and more abortions, depending on who got pregnant.

So it could end up -- this hour off could end up producing more people, which would ultimately threaten the planet far more than any one hour without electricity in your house. So make sure that you get a condom. Make sure you get a condom from China so that it has lead in it. Get prepared. Either up the contraception or go out and get a condom and prepare for your hour of darkness Saturday night at 8:30, so that you don't mistakenly raise and elevate the U.S. population, which, of course, will put stress on the planet.

Clips from this hour:

Discussing upcoming “Earth hour,” Limbaugh calls Obama “an extremist tyrannical president”