“Organize this.”
By Simon Maloy
Is it the final hour already? Lamentably, it is, and Rush got it going by issuing a “straw man alert” over Obama's BBC interview, in which the president said: “The danger, I think, is when the United States, or any country, thinks that we can simply impose these values on another country with a different history and a different culture.” Rush asks when the U.S. has imposed its values on anyone. It's a straw man. You might say the Japanese, but we did that after we kicked their butts in a war. Those are the rules, and Rush doesn't think there are any Japanese people upset with their Democratic government and capitalist economy.
Then Rush asked how freedom is an “imposition.” It's the result of liberation, said Rush, whereas communism and dictatorial statism are things that you can impose. It's a straw man that we can't impose our value because "[o]ur values are rooted in freedom and democracy. This guy is a slick son of a gun, but I'm telling you he contradicts himself in every sentence he utters. Did we impose our values on Kuwait, Afghanistan, Iraq? I thought the people of those countries created their own constitutions. See, Obama's the authoritarian here. If anybody knows about imposing vales, it's Barack Obama." What's happening here, said Rush, is that Obama is imposing his values on Wall Street, GM, the Supreme Court, and Israel.
Then Rush objected to Obama's statement that the most important thing for the U.S. to do is to “serve as a role model.” Rush went to town on the phrase “role model,” saying: “Oh, OK. So we're going to serve as a good role model for the world by kneecapping the private sector, seizing private property, seizing private sector businesses and turning it over to political contributors. Is that the thing we want to encourage? Is that the image we want to promote?” Rush added: “We want to encourage voter intimidation? We want to take the example of his group, ACORN? Community organizers and vote fraud experts extraordinaire -- export those values? Encouraging countries to serve as we serve as a good role model? Obama as a role model is vote fraud, voter intimidation, community organizing, seizing private sector property, kneecapping the private sector, giving it to political contributors.” Rush concluded this harangue by saying: “In fact, it's the rest of the failed world that's serving as a role model for Barack Obama. Socialism has failed. Fascism has failed. He's emulating it. If anybody is falling prey to role models, it's Obama, and his role models are Alinsky and whatever socialist leaders and dictators around the world that he has been made to idolize.”
After the break, Rush continued in this vein, saying that “It is not the United States that serves as Barack Obama's role model. It's other socialist nations that have failed and the concept of socialism that is his role model.” Rush capped off this astute observation with an incisive and mature comment on Obama's policies, muttering under his breath: “I tell you what, I -- community organizer -- organize this.” We're not sure what community organizing, or Obama's experience therein, has to do with any of this. Nor do we know exactly what Rush wants Obama to “organize.” If we had to guess, we'd go with “sock drawer.”
Then Rush explained that for all his screaming about the racist bigot Sonia Sotomayor, he might be inclined to support her nomination if she passed the Rush Limbaugh pro-life litmus test. “All libs who want to go anywhere in liberalism are pro-choice, and they make no bones about it. She hasn't said a word about it, which could mean that her private feelings are that she's pro-life. If I could be convinced that Sonia Sotomayor might be the biggest hope to overturning Roe v. Wade down the line, then I might be persuaded to look at her nomination in a different light.”
Then Rush had a couple more Obama sound bytes for us, the first of which had the president saying that Iran has legitimate energy concerns, but the international community has an interest in preventing their creation of a nuclear weapons program. Rush retorted by saying that the international community hasn't done anything to stop Iran's nuclear ambitions, and once again muttered that this is “community organizer crap.” Again, we're not sure what community organizing has to do with this, other than Limbaugh's continued desire to turn the term into some sort of epithet.
After the break, Rush took a call from a gentleman who said that his relationship with GM has ended. Rush said everyone's relationship with GM has ended -- you're not buying cars from GM, you're buying them from Obama. What's going to happen, said Rush, is that GM is going to bring back planned obsolescence so that you'll trade in your car for a new one after it breaks down in three years.
Rush's next caller had a point she wanted to make about Sotomayor -- she loves that Sotomayor came from a government-funded housing project, and that was something she had to overcome to make it where she is today. Now, some might say that that the government-funded housing kept her from being, you know, homeless. But Rush doesn't count himself among those people, and he repeated his inane observation that liberals never thank welfare when they're nominated to high office, they always thank conservative values.
One more caller before the break, this one an “American mom” and an “optimist” who figured out why Sotomayor's “wise Latina” comments bothered her so much -- because Sotomayor was telling her two white children that they can never be as good as she is at something. Rush said that's an “interesting perspective.” That's how she was educated, said Rush. She had a “multicultural” education in high school and college that attacked evil white people, and she believes that. Obama too, that's what he was taught. They were taught by angry people. Rush added: “was trained to hate majorities -- well, one majority. She was trained to be suspicious of them. She was trained to believe this country was unjust and immoral. And throw feminism in the mix, and you've got a poisoned soul, and that's who she is.”
After one more break, Rush was excited that Richard Wolffe's book, Renegade, quotes Obama saying that former president Bill Clinton “was just lying, engaging in bald-faced lies” during the 2008 campaign. Rush loved this, and he also found it interesting that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is spending her time “spreading gay rights” to countries around the world. That's a “far cry” from what Secretaries of State have done in the past, said Rush.
Rush took one last call for the afternoon, this one from a man wanting to know what the purpose of dumping car dealerships is given that they're independent businesses. Rush then laid out what he saw as the Obama business plan for GM and Chrysler: take over the company, put in charge someone who doesn't know how to turn on a car, decide to build cars that people don't want, then close thousands of dealerships, which means it's going to be harder to go get one of these cars. Rush said he thinks it's designed to fail, because none of this makes any sense. And, just in case you were wondering: “It's the way a community organizer does it, folks.”
And that was they way we do it, folks, here at the Limbaugh Wire. We hope you'll join us again tomorrow. Until then, Media Matters' expansive, extensive, and inexpensive Limbaugh Archives are available for your enjoyment.
Highlights from Hour 3
Outrageous comments
LIMBAUGH: Our values are rooted in freedom and democracy. This guy is a slick son of a gun, but I'm telling you he contradicts himself in every sentence he utters. Did we impose our values on Kuwait, Afghanistan, Iraq? I thought the people of those countries created their own constitutions. See, Obama's the authoritarian here. If anybody knows about imposing values, it's Barack Obama.
LIMBAUGH: Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, democracy, rule of law. Obama said he would be encouraging countries on this trip to promote these values, but then he added, “I think the thing we can do most importantly is serve as a good role model.” Oh, OK. So we're going to serve as a good role model for the world by kneecapping the private sector, seizing private property, seizing private sector businesses and turning it over to political contributors. Is that the thing we want to encourage? Is that the image we want to promote?
We want to encourage voter intimidation? We want to take the example of his group, ACORN? Community organizers and vote fraud experts extraordinaire -- export those values? Encouraging countries to serve as we serve as a good role model? Obama as a role model is vote fraud, voter intimidation, community organizing, seizing private sector property, kneecapping the private sector, giving it to political contributors. What's he talking about here -- good role model?
And that's why he said, “Closing Guantánamo from my perspective, as difficult as it is, is important. Yes, we know. Remaking America is as difficult as it is important. Very hard work imposing socialism and fascism on a free-market economy, and, as a good role model, we take on more debt than we can ever repay. As a good role model, we begin a worldwide trade war by imposing protectionism on General Motors. Nothing about what this guy wants to do is worth following.
LIMBAUGH: I have one exception to my objection to Sonia Sotomayor. I am not retracting that she will bring racism and bigotry to the court if she is confirmed. However, there might be mitigating factors that might convince me to overlook that. Well, what do we know about her? We know she's Catholic. We also know she has no record on abortion. I think she did affirm funds for international abortion -- I'm going to have to have legal beagles look at that. But Sonia Sotomayor, being Catholic and having not said a word about abortion -- I find that interesting. All libs who want to go anywhere in liberalism are pro-choice, and they make no bones about it. She hasn't said a word about it, which could mean that her private feelings are that she's pro-life. If I could be convinced that Sonia Sotomayor might be the biggest hope to overturning Roe v. Wade down the line, then I might be persuaded to look at her nomination in a different light.
I'm serious. I'm dead serious. I'm dead serious. Life -- preserving life for me is a far more important issue. We can deal with the racism and the bigotry. That can be canceled out, you know, by other justices and so forth.
LIMBAUGH: By the time she got to high school, she started in on multicultural curricula and she heard about the evil, white Europeans that brought all of the pestilence and all of the discrimination and all of the hardship, all the disease. They destroyed the environment, they did all of this stuff. The she gets to college, and she hears even more of it. And she believes that to the same extent that those of us who believe in the sheer miracle of our founding believe in that. That's what she was taught -- Obama too. That's what Obama was taught. Obama was taught by angry people. Sotomayor was taught by angry people. She was trained to hate majorities -- well, one majority. She was trained to be suspicious of them. She was trained to believe this country was unjust and immoral. And throw feminism in the mix, and you've got a poisoned soul, and that's who she is.
”Socialism" watch
LIMBAUGH: In fact, it's the rest of the failed world that's serving as a role model for Barack Obama. Socialism has failed. Fascism has failed. He's emulating it. If anybody is falling prey to role models, it's Obama, and his role models are Alinsky and whatever socialist leaders and dictators around the world that he has been made to idolize.
LIMBAUGH: It is not the United States of America that serves as Barack Obama's role model; it's other socialist nations that have failed and the concept of socialism that is his role model. I tell you what, I -- community organizer -- organize this.