Hour 3: Rush: Obama Has Far More In Common With Saudi King Than He Does With Netanyahu

This hour of the Limbaugh Wire brought to you by Obama's “roots”-driven Middle East policy
By Simon Maloy

It's the final hour, and Rush got it started by talking about something other than Barack Obama's dastardly scheme to destroy the American economy, shocking us to no end, and giving us hope for salvaging at least some of the show. Specifically, he read extensively from an Agence France-Presse story, which reported that “taking public transport may not be as green as you automatically think, says a new US study.” Rush was particularly pleased with this line: “In some circumstances, for instance, it could be more eco-friendly to drive into a city -- even in an SUV, the bete noire of green groups -- rather than take a suburban train. It depends on seat occupancy and the underlying carbon cost of the mode of transport.” Rush then derided his local light rail, saying that no one ever rides it, even though he admitted to not knowing the ridership.

After celebrating the “far-right sweep” in the European Union elections, Rush noted reports that King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, when he met with Obama last week, urged the president “to impose a solution on the festering Arab-Israeli conflict if necessary.” Rush said that someone should tell Abdullah that Obama doesn't impose his values on people. Rush added: “Barack Obama delivered a big speech after meeting with the king about how the United States doesn't impose its values of freedom and democracy. He said: 'Those are kind of universal. We don't have to impose those.' Yeah, Obama doesn't impose his values on people. Just ask the unemployed. Barack Obama is the one authoritarian with a god complex. He is imposing his values on the U.S. economy and his values are destroying it.” And just like that our hope for the final hour was dashed. Anyway, Rush had one final note to hit: “We know what Israel's enemies expect out of Obama -- and Obama is expected to deliver. Obama bowed to the king and the king had a directive for his subject: Impose a Mideast solution.”

Then Rush moved on to a Baltimore Sun article on how "[e]xecutives of a venture capital company that has been a mainstay in Baltimore's Mid-Town neighborhood for a quarter-century told the mayor they are moving to the suburbs because their employees no longer feel safe in the city." Rush said this is what happens -- you have this migration from the cities to the suburbs once cities fall into the hands of “liberal, socialist Democrats.” The cities become too dangerous, and the people who remain are the “welfare class,” and thus you have blue cities and blue states full of Democrats.

After the break, Rush took a call from a gentleman who wanted to know Rush's opinion on what's going to be done regarding North Korea, Iran, and Israel. The first thing that we must understand, said Rush, is that Israel is “on their own.” Rush explained: “Israel, whether you know it or not -- I think they do -- we have de-tethered. I mean, they're still an official ally but Obama's thrown them under the bus.” Then Rush, clearly not content with simply invoking Obama's race to dispute his alleged godhood, suggested that Obama's heritage will influence his Middle East policy: “Obama has far more roots, heritage, ability to relate to somebody like the king of Saudi Arabia than he does with Benjamin Netanyahu. May we say that without fear of being raked over the coals for it? He said himself in his Cairo speech he was surrounded by Muslims growing up in three different countries. He's got -- he understands. He's got far more in common with the king of Saudi Arabia than he does with Benjamin Netanyahu or anybody else in Israel.” And then he contradicted himself on whether Israel has been thrown under the bus or not: “So while he hasn't thrown Israel under the bus yet, they're in trouble.”

With regard to Iran, Rush said, Obama has made it clear that they have the right to nuclear power. Meanwhile, Rush said, here in America, we're investing in windmills posing as cars. What's going on, said Rush, is that the regimes of North Korea and Iran are testing Obama each and every day, and as Obama runs around apologizing and doing Conflict Resolution 101, they're laughing at us. They see an opportunity to expand their spheres of influence.

After the break, Rush got in a good discussion of the coming updates to Apple's iPhone, and then took a call from a woman who tearfully offered her heartfelt appreciation for the first hour of the program today, saying that she is so proud of Rush for saying what he said. After the caller said she tried to warn off her sister from voting for Obama, Rush said that the devotion to the president is borne of party loyalty and “cult-like” appeal. You'd think that insulting someone's sibling as having a “cult-like” mindset wouldn't sit well, but the caller didn't have an objection to it. Then Rush explained that he was confident that the caller has the same opinion of the second hour of the show and this hour that she did of the first. From there, he launched into a summary of the first hour's rantings, touching all the bases -- “gutless,” “childish,” he inherited America, it's all Obama's fault.

One more break and Rush was back with a couple of “interesting stories” out of California. The first was from the Los Angeles Times, which reported: “Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said today that he would like to see such 'radical' proposals come out of a commission now studying an overhaul of the state's tax system. The governor told the editorial board of the Sacramento Bee that he hoped the commission would not be afraid to propose something like 'a 15% straight tax.' ” Rush, never one to pass up a childish joke, quipped: “He means flat tax. Fifteen percent? He said straight tax so maybe homosexuals don't have to pay any tax is what he -- well, it's California. You never know. Maybe gays will be exempted from the tax since it's a 15-percent straight tax.” The next interesting story was from McClatchy, which reported that California could “become the first state in the nation to do away with welfare.” Rush, as you might expect, was pleased as punch to read this.

Rush closed out the program with one more call, this one from a gentleman who said he left Detroit in 1992 and agreed with everything Rush said about how liberal Democrats make cities unsafe. Rush said that you can leave a city or a state, but you can't leave the federal government without renouncing your citizenship. That's why -- as if you weren't expecting it -- Obama's “failures” on the economy have to be labeled such and linked to him.

Well, today's show is over, and if that isn't the best news we'll receive all day, then we're looking forward to winning the lottery or accidentally curing cancer or something later this evening. But we'll be back tomorrow for more, and we hope you will be, too. Until then, Media Matters has these nifty archives that encompass everything Limbaugh, and we encourage you to give them a look.

Greg Lewis and Lauryn Bruck contributed to this edition of the Limbaugh Wire.

Highlights from Hour 3

Outrageous comments

LIMBAUGH: Barack Obama delivered a big speech after meeting with the king about how the United States doesn't impose its values of freedom and democracy. He said: “Those are kind of universal. We don't have to impose those.” Yeah, Obama doesn't impose his values on people. Just ask the unemployed. Barack Obama is the one authoritarian with a god complex. He is imposing his values on the U.S. economy and his values are destroying it.


LIMBAUGH: Obama makes that speech at the University of Cairo and look at the expectations it raised in the Muslim world. We know what Israel's enemies hope. We know what Israel's enemies expect out of Obama -- and Obama is expected to deliver. Obama bowed to the king and the king had a directive for his subject: Impose a Mideast solution.


LIMBAUGH: Folks, Obama has far more roots, heritage, ability to relate to somebody like the king of Saudi Arabia than he does with Benjamin Netanyahu. May we say that without fear of being raked over the coals for it? He said himself in his Cairo speech he was surrounded by Muslims growing up in three different countries. He's got -- he understands. He's got far more in common with the king of Saudi Arabia than he does with Benjamin Netanyahu or anybody else in Israel.


LIMBAUGH: The governor told the editorial board of the Sacramento Bee that he hoped the commission would not be afraid to propose something like a 15-percent straight tax. He means flat tax. Fifteen percent? He said straight tax so maybe homosexuals don't have to pay any tax is what he -- well, it's California. You never know. Maybe gays will be exempted from the tax since it's a 15-percent straight tax.

America's Truth Rejector

Couldn't decide on whether Israel is “under the bus” yet:

LIMBAUGH: The first thing you have to understand about Israel is they're on their own. Israel, whether you know it or not -- I think they do -- we have de-tethered. I mean, they're still an official ally but Obama's thrown them under the bus.


LIMBAUGH: So while he hasn't thrown Israel under the bus yet, they're in trouble. I think -- I said this on the Hannity interview last week on Fox. In that interview, I didn't specify why, but I think he's got a big problem with Israel. He's got a huge problem with Israel. I'm not going to speculate. It doesn't matter what and/or why, there just is.