Limbaugh Asks How Obama Can Honor Abolishing Slavery With What He Does “The Other 364 Days Of The Year”

Rush Limbaugh: Obama “Knows You Know He Doesn't Think That We've Gotten Rid Of Slavery”

From the December 9 edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Rush Limbaugh Show:

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RUSH LIMBAUGH: Obama right now up on Capitol Hill, this is the 150th anniversary of the 13th Amendment. What'd the 13th Amendment do? Pop quiz, anybody know? Right, so why is Obama celebrating it? The 13th Amendment abolished slavery, it ended slavery. Why is he up there honoring it? He knows you know he doesn't think that we've gotten rid of slavery. The Black Lives Matter crowd doesn't think we've gotten rid of -- the civil rights coalition still acts like we have slavery in this country. This is blatant hypocrisy what he's doing up here. I'm dead serious about this. Every day of the year, Obama and the Democrat Party act like we've made no progress whatsoever on racial relations, that we're getting worse in fact, right? And then here he is honoring the 150th anniversary of the 13th Amendment? Which of those two seems the more unrealistic? How can you honor the establishment of the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery, and then do what Obama does the other 364 days of the year? And the Democrat Party.

You're looking at me like you can't believe what I'm saying. Well I'm just telling you. Take a look at whatever happened -- Ferguson, Baltimore, you name it, whenever there is any kind of crime in this country if African-Americans involved, by virtue of the news coverage and the civil rights coalitions are getting into gear, and now this Black Lives Matter, doesn't appear to me that there are too many people who think we've solved the problem. It doesn't appear to me that too many people in the civil rights community think we've made any progress, do you? Isn't that the whole point of the civil rights business? Isn't that the whole point of the civil rights industry, is to make sure that the problems never get solved, to abolish the idea we've made any progress? I find this hypocritical, I really do.


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