Limbaugh awarded free website subscription to caller who said liberalism is “rebellion against God” and who described Democratic leaders as “pimps”


Audio file

On the September 30 broadcast of Rush Limbaugh's nationally syndicated radio show, a caller described liberalism as “a form of mental illness” that is “actually a type of rebellion against God and virtue through the justification of ... immorality, things like abortion, homosexuality, promiscuity, prostitution, racism, even race-centered thinking.” After confirming that the caller was black, Limbaugh paraphrased the caller's comments, saying, “So liberalism is a mental illness. It's borne of people that do not like any judgmentalism against their depravity.” The caller then described Rev. Jesse Jackson, radio hosts Tavis Smiley and Tom Joyner, Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY), “all of the Democratic delegation up there in Congress”, “the [Sen.] Ted Kennedys [D-MA], and ”anybody who's in the leadership position in the Democratic Party" as “pimps” who attempt to deceive black people into remaining on the “Democratic plantation.”

The caller then reiterated his contention that Democratic leaders are “all mentally ill.” He added, “The Bible actually calls them 'fools' because they're rebelling against virtue and God. Now, I'm not calling them fools, I'm just saying the Bible calls them fools.” After Limbaugh said, “If the Bible can call them fools, you can echo the Bible,” the caller revised his statement: “I'm calling them fools through the Bible.”

Limbaugh was so pleased with what he described as “one of the greatest oral final exams and dissertations ever presented” to the “Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies” that he rewarded the caller with a free one-year subscription to the Rush 24/7 website (a $49.95 value).

From the September 30 broadcast of The Rush Limbaugh Show:

LIMBAUGH: In the meantime, Eric in Charlotte, North Carolina. Welcome, sir, nice to have you on the program.

CALLER: Oh, Rush, you're going to have to carry me through. I've got this too important and juicy to let this be short, but you know, I'm a black American, and I am deeply, deeply saddened and troubled regarding the level of propaganda and deceit that's been thrown at black Americans to keep them on the Democratic plantation. And especially through the comments of the likes of a Charles Rangel.

But before I go into that, I wanted to say something. A few years ago you were trying to look for the definition of liberalism. And I -- my definition of liberalism is that it's a form of spontaneous, triggered mental illness. It's a form of mental illness, Rush. And it's expressed through their moral immaturity, their deceit, and really it's actually a type of rebellion against God and virtue through the justification of things -- of immorality, things like abortion, homosexuality, promiscuity, prostitution, racism, even race-centered thinking. And you know, the suppression of --

LIMBAUGH: I tell you what -- hey, Eric? You're on a roll here, and I hate to stop you, but I have to. So if you hold your thought there. We'll take a break and come back and let your dissertation here -- your oral final exam at the Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies -- go forward unimpeded.


LIMBAUGH: Back now to Eric in Charlotte, North Carolina. You were on a roll. Let me set up for people just joining us. You think liberalism -- and you're an African-American, right?

CALLER: I'm a black American. African-American is a misnomer, no more than just calling white folks, European-Americans. You're an American, you're an American. I'm just darker-skinned, Rush.

LIMBAUGH: Amen. Amen. Amen. All right, so liberalism is a mental illness. It's borne of people that do not like any judgmentalism against their depravity. Take it away.

CALLER: Liberalism is -- exactly. Well, Rush, that's the exact reason why they're coming against you there on CBS the way they do. Because you take a verbal stand for morality and just and, and virtue and so on. They have to make you look evil. It's a form of mental illness. It's spontaneous. It's triggered. These people are normal in every way when you talk to them, but when you get on their little lightning button -- I'll just call it -- that's when they actually take on a form of incognition. They become crazy. It's a form of mental illness. But it's just spontaneous, short-lived, and triggered, and then they're back to normal.

So, it's -- I hate to say that about them -- but that's what liberalism is. Rush, thanks to you, I had a radio program. It was called the Eric Woods program down here in Charlotte on 1110 WBT. Thanks to you, I was the last black man on -- to do a radio show there -- but it's because of you. But I can smell liberals from 10 miles away. I know these people. They are messed up mentally, emotionally because of the fact they have to justify immorality. It's a form of rebellion against God, and so because they're rebelling against God -- that's why they have to justify things like evolution. Because if man came from slime, then they can say they're not accountable to God. So they have to get rid of God. And when you get rid of God -- you elevate abortion, homosexuality, pornography, racism.


And they're calling this man “Bull Connor,” a racist. And they're doing it -- Charles Rangel is doing this because he wants blacks to keep on the plantation. I call it the slave, slave master, slave-liberator mentality. In order for that slave master to keep the slave on the plantation he had to tell them that the North -- the people who were coming down to free them -- I don't want to get into that too much but -- they're saying that, they were saying that the liberators were coming down to kill you and to take you away from your kids. You have to deceive black people to keep them on the plantation.

I -- there's another word I call it. I call it the pimp, the prostitute, and the preacher syndrome. That pimp has to keep the prostitute in his harem by lies. If he can do that, if he can keep that, that prostitute away from the preacher -- he's going to save her, because once she's -- if she start going around -- if she starts going around this, uh, preacher -- she'll stop being a prostitute, and that pimp is going to lose money. He's going to lose business. He's not going to have his cash cow. The Democrat Party uses blacks as the cash cow to keep them in their harem through deceit --

LIMBAUGH: Hey, Eric. Can you, can you think of a modern relationship to this? You've got the pimp, the prostitute, and the preacher. Can you give us some current names that you might say fit that role, fit those roles?

CALLER: Well, clearly, Jesse Jackson, Tavis Smiley, Tom Joyner, Charles Rangel. All of the Democratic delegation up there in Congress -- all of them are the pimps. Now, it includes white pimps as well. You of course have the Ted Kennedys. And you go on down the list of all of those senators. But, now the, but they're all pimps. Anybody who's in the leadership position in the Democratic Party -- they are the pimps, because they try to keep blacks deceived, and so I want --

LIMBAUGH: OK. So, OK, if those are the pimps, who are the prostitutes?

CALLER: Blacks are likened to the prostitutes. I, it's a tough word to use, but I'm not saying that we're prostitutes --

LIMBAUGH: Well, I think I know what you mean. I mean, they're the victims. They, they're the victims. They're the ones, they're the ones that are propping up the pimps financially and, and with power and other things.

CALLER: The victims are -- they are the -- the black people are innocent -- we're the word I preferred to use earlier was, of course, the slave and, and the plantation. I --

LIMBAUGH: OK. So you've got the slave, and you've got the pimp and the pre -- yeah, let's get rid of prostitution. OK. So we've got slave, we've got pimp and we've, we've got preacher. Who are the preachers today?

CALLER: The preachers are the Republican Party trying to tell the truth. The people within the Republican Party and the independents. By the way, I am an independent. I'm not actually a, you know, part of, you know, registered as a Republican. I, you know, I'm an independent, because of the fact that once you're a black Republican, you're considered Satan and all of that, and it's easier for me to talk as an independent, instead of me calling myself a Republican, and they immediately raise up a cross and try to look at me as a vampire and all of that.

But the point is, the Republican Party, by and large, and, and those on the religious right -- those are the preachers and the liberators trying to tell the truth about what the Democratic leadership -- the Democrats are doing to black people. And it's an amazing thing when you really look at it, but they're all mentally ill. It's a mental sickness. The Bible actually calls them “fools” because they're rebelling against virtue and God. Now, I'm not calling them fools, I'm just saying the Bible calls them fools. That's what they are, and these people --

LIMBAUGH: Now, don't hold back there, Eric. I mean, if the Bible can call them fools, you can echo the Bible.

CALLER: That's right. I'm calling them fools through the Bible, but people will say, “You can't call someone a fool.” But they don't understand what the Bible says.

LIMBAUGH: Well, who says? You know, that's another thing. Why are we caught up in who says, who says, who, who can say what somebody else can and can't say. Screw that. You know, to hell with this political correctness. You say what you want to say on this program. I'm not going to sit here tell you, “You can't say it.” You might be wrong. You might be right. But you can say it. Eric, look, let me -- I've got to run here. Let me ask you a quick question. Are you a subscriber to my website?

CALLER: No, I'm not, Rush.

LIMBAUGH: Do you have a computer?

CALLER: I do have a computer.

LIMBAUGH: Well, you're a subscriber now. I'm going to make you a complimentary one-year subscriber. You have earned it. This is one of the greatest oral final exams and dissertations ever presented to the guy that runs the institute. That's me. You just did a fabulous job out there, and you came prepared, and you didn't stutter around, and you had your passion. You fit the definition of a great caller, and I'm glad to hear from you, Eric. Now, stay on hold, and one of the “preachers” on my staff is going to give you what -- we're going to get from you whatever information we need to make you a complimentary subscriber for a full year.