Limbaugh Brags That He Created A Media Frenzy Over A Marco Rubio-Ted Cruz Fued

Limbaugh: “When I Say Don't Doubt Me, Don't”: “Trump Is Number One ... And The Battle For Number Two Right Now Is Cruz And Rubio”

From the December 16 edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Rush Limbaugh Show:

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RUSH LIMBAUGH: I want to remind you of this. Grab audio soundbite number one. This is a replay of me yesterday on the program predicting to you what of many things that were going to happen last night.


I think what you ought to look tonight for is Cruz versus Rubio, if you want to look at it in versus terms. But we're getting to the point now, the idea that Trump is going to implode or destroy himself, quit or whatever that's long gone now. So the responsible people that look at this and treat reality as it is are going to have to come to grips with the fact that Trump is number one and he's not going anywhere right now. So what's next? What's available next? What's available next is number two. And the battle for number two right now is Cruz and Rubio and Rubio has a lot on the line tonight and so does Cruz.


And listen to how the drive-bys analyzed it after the debate last night. We have a little montage here.


Oh, did you hear that? That was Bret Baier, Fox News. Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, that battle is the battle for the heart of the Republican party. Meaning, Trump, don't talk to us about Trump. Come on. But anyway, just more evidence, when I say don't doubt me, don't.


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