LIMBAUGH: Let's go to Katie, Island Park, Idaho. Glad you called, great to have you on the program. Hello.
CALLER: Hi, Rush. Yeah, my name is Katie, and I'm 14, and I'm not sure if I qualify to be a Rush baby or a Rush babe. What do you think?
LIMBAUGH: You're 14?
CALLER: I'm 14.
LIMBAUGH: You're four-- you're both. You are Rush baby and a Rush babe both. We'll count you both.
CALLER: All righty.
LIMBAUGH: Have you signed up at our Facebook page?
CALLER: Yes, I just did this morning.
LIMBAUGH: Well, then you're a Rush babe. That's it.
CALLER: All righty.
LIMBAUGH: Fourteen. Well, thanks very much, Katie, I appreciate it.
CALLER: Thanks. Thanks, Rush.
LIMBAUGH: See, folks, this program has no boundaries. We have people from all three sexes, we have people from all religions, we have people from all genders, all demographics, all ages. A 14-year-old Rush babe. By the way, I've got audio sound bites coming up in the next hour. Fox News went to the NAGs' protest. Wait till you hear it.