Limbaugh continues to repeat falsehood that Obama favors “infanticide”

On his radio show, Rush Limbaugh continued to repeat the falsehood that Sen. Barack Obama favors “infanticide,” saying that Obama “believes and favors infanticide. Not just abortion, but infanticide.” He added: “This guy approves of abortion in the fourth trimester.”

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On the September 3 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, Rush Limbaugh falsely claimed that Sen. Barack Obama “believes and favors infanticide. Not just abortion, but infanticide.” He continued: “This guy approves of abortion in the fourth trimester.” As Media Matters for America has documented, Limbaugh has repeatedly distorted Obama's position on the so-called "born alive" bills during his time as an Illinois state senator by declaring that Obama's opposition to the bills amounted to support for infanticide. In fact, Obama and other opponents said the bills posed a threat to abortion rights and were unnecessary because, they said, Illinois law already prohibited the conduct that these bills purported to address.

Since August 19, Limbaugh has repeatedly called Obama a supporter of “infanticide”:

  • On the August 19 broadcast of his show, Limbaugh said Obama “believes in infanticide.”
  • On his August 20 program, Limbaugh claimed that “Obama lobbied for infanticide.” He later said, “You know, abortion's one thing; infanticide is quite another, and it is now widely known that Obama was all for infanticide. It's the only way you can put it.”
  • Discussing the controversy over the number of houses Sen. John McCain owns, Limbaugh said on his August 21 show: “Obama wants to talk about numbers and houses? Talk about how many babies have died because of Obama's support for infanticide.”
  • On August 22, Limbaugh said Obama “really admires” China's one-child policy. He went on to say: "[M]ost people want a son. And if they are pregnant with a daughter, what do they do? They abort, and they keep aborting until they get a son. Now that's a policy Obama can support. That's a policy Obama likes. He's for infanticide. It is not an overstatement to say so."
  • On his August 25 show, Limbaugh said Obama is “an infanticide nominee,” and claimed Obama is “for infanticide.”
  • On his August 26 program, Limbaugh said of the Democratic Party: “So, here's a party trying to present itself as a newly-found faith party -- that they understand people's values -- and their nominee believes in infanticide.”
  • On August 28, Limbaugh said of Obama: “What has complicated his mental journey are his political ambitions. His desire to hold high public office has required this confused man to lie about his sometimes bizarre judgments such as supporting infanticide.”
  • On his September 2 program, Limbaugh said Obama “supports infanticide” and “supports the killing of babies born alive as the result of botched abortions.”

From the September 3 broadcast of Premiere Radio Networks' The Rush Limbaugh Show:

LIMBAUGH: What is it with liberals and children? We hear from liberals all the time that we must do this and we must do that for the children, do we not? Yet, they've nominated a guy who believes and favors infanticide. Not just abortion, but infanticide. This guy approves of abortion in the fourth trimester. The drive-by media favors waiting 17 years to destroy pregnant teenagers. Seventeen years is how old Sarah Palin's daughter is. And I guess if you're 17 and you're the daughter of a woman who doesn't fit to what the liberal mold is, then you can destroy that child, too.

What is it? What is it with this “liberals and children -- this is for the children” business? Liberals are child abusers -- partial birth abortion, infanticide, now doing their best to deliver enough deliberate and calculated stress to cause a miscarriage. Has anybody been thinking about that on this 17-year-old little girl? For the children? What part did I miss, ladies and gentlemen?

Oh, and how about this? How about that report we had a couple weeks ago -- 100 university presidents want to lower the drinking age. They say they're for the children. They say they're for this and that. You know they're passing out condoms. They want to pass out condoms in the schools. They want to pass out birth control pills in the schools. The only thing they don't want to pass around is a pack of cigarettes for afterwards.

Dirty little secret: The Democrats have no Sarah Palin on their side, even liberal Democrat men are not her equal. As I say, Barack Obama is half the man Sarah Palin is.

From the September 2 broadcast of The Rush Limbaugh Show:

LIMBAUGH: But this is not a media anal exam; this is a media uterus exam -- a uterus exam that is taking place here by the drive-by media shamelessly. I know people know this getting into the game. This is what it's about. You don't get in it if you don't expect this to happen, but I hope they keep this up because it's going to backfire on them in a major way.

Stop and think of this. What are we really talking about? What are the drive-bys talking about? We're talking about a woman, Sarah Palin, who gave birth to a Down syndrome child and now they're suggesting that she shouldn't have done that -- and I've got the audio coming up -- and that she shouldn't have flown while she was pregnant with the Down syndrome child. She was being totally irresponsible here.

And on the other side, we have Barack Obama who supports infanticide, who supports the killing of babies born alive as the result of botched abortions, and guess where the drive-bys find the controversy.

From the August 28 broadcast of The Rush Limbaugh Show:

LIMBAUGH: Barack Obama, giving him the benefit of the doubt, is confused. He's written two autobiographies by age 47, having not done diddlysquat -- except learn how to be a thug in Chicago. He's written two autobiographies in an attempt to work through his circumstances and his judgments.

What has complicated his mental journey are his political ambitions. His desire to hold high public office has required this confused man to lie about his sometimes bizarre judgments such as supporting infanticide; to lie about his associations with well-known anti-Americans.

From the August 26 broadcast of The Rush Limbaugh Show:

LIMBAUGH: So, here's a party trying to present itself as a newly-found faith party -- that they understand people's values -- and their nominee believes in infanticide, and their speaker of the House has restated Catholic Church policy.

From the August 25 broadcast of The Rush Limbaugh Show:

LIMBAUGH: Now, also, Biden is 100 percent pro-choice. There is no -- I mean, you've got an infanticide nominee. You've got a guy that's for infanticide, and you've got Biden who has a 100-percent approval rating from Planned Parenthood, from NARAL, the National Abortion Rights Action League.


LIMBAUGH: Anyway, this -- this is not -- sorry to stutter here, folks. I just -- really, I sit here in stunned bewilderment and disbelief over what I consider to be not just stupidity and silliness, but arrogance and hubris, and the ignorance that these people have over how this kind of comment is going to come back and bite her [House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-CA)] presidential nominee. I guess she thinks that she has to provide some sort of Democrat [sic] Party interpretation of Catholicism that permits Obama to get away with infanticide beliefs.

From the August 22 broadcast of The Rush Limbaugh Show:

LIMBAUGH: One other thing about China -- and this is I'm sure something else Obama really admires: the one-child policy. Chinese couples are allowed one child because they can't feed all of their people. And most people want a son. And if they are pregnant with a daughter, what do they do? They abort, and they keep aborting until they get a son. Now that's a policy Obama can support. That's a policy Obama likes. He's for infanticide. It is not an overstatement to say so.

From the August 21 broadcast of The Rush Limbaugh Show:

LIMBAUGH: Hi, welcome back. Hey, here's another thing that we could do here, folks. Obama wants to talk about numbers and houses? Talk about how many babies have died because of Obama's support for infanticide. They're trying to do anything they can to get away from that, and they're not going to be able to. This is something -- you know, the last thing -- there's a bunch of things that have centered and appeared now in this campaign that the Democrats had no desire to show up, and I tell you, they don't want the abortion debate. They don't want it back. And especially with the candidate they've got.

From the August 20 broadcast of The Rush Limbaugh Show:

LIMBAUGH: Obama has no clue what he's up against. Barack Obama's closest associates hate America, folks: Bill Ayers and [Rev.] Jeremiah Wright. I mean, stop and think of this. To top it all off, Obama lobbied for infanticide and doesn't have the guts to admit when he's wrong.


LIMBAUGH: By the way, you Democrats and drive-byers, you want to know why he's plummeting in the polls, you just look at this answer right here. You know, abortion's one thing; infanticide is quite another, and it is now widely known that Obama was all for infanticide. It's the only way you can put it.

From the August 19 broadcast of The Rush Limbaugh Show:

LIMBAUGH: They've got pro-choice in Obama. They've got more than pro-choice. They've got somebody who believes in infanticide running atop of their ticket. They couldn't be happier.