Nationally syndicated radio host Rush Limbaugh downplayed the death toll from the July 7 London bombings. On that afternoon's broadcast of his radio show, Limbaugh told listeners, “It's like I said -- 40 people dead, 150 seriously wounded, 1,000 wounded out of over 1 million people in that transit tube. It's not a successful terrorist attack, folks.”
While Limbaugh apparently does not find the July 7 bombings particularly significant, the The New York Times reported: “The attacks were the worst in British memory since World War II.”
From the July 7 broadcast of The Rush Limbaugh Show:
LIMBAUGH: That's, ah, the mayor of London, Ken Livingstone. Very powerful, excellent. And it was such a great contrast to what we're seeing in our own media this morning with the hand-wringing I was speaking about and the “Oh, woe is us” and “Oh, what did we do to cause this?” and “Oh, does this mean we're going to get hit?” and “Oh ...” It's like I said -- 40 people dead, 150 seriously wounded, 1,000 wounded, out of over 1 million people in that transit tube. It's not a successful terrorist attack, folks. They didn't succeed in doing anything, and that's just what you just heard the mayor say: “You don't scare us. You didn't accomplish diddly-squat. We've been through this before, much worse than this. And look at us -- we're in the 20th century, you're still back in the 14th century. Blah, blah, blah.”