Limbaugh: “The Egyptian Army Is Rounding Up Foreign Journalists” And “I Don't Feel Any Outrage Over It”

From the February 3 edition of Premiere Radio Network's The Rush Limbaugh Show:

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LIMBAUGH: Ladies and gentlemen, it is being breathlessly reported that the Egyptian army -- Snerdley, have you heard this? The Egyptian army is rounding up foreign journalists. I mean, even two New York Times reporters were detained. Now, this is supposed to make us feel what, exactly? How we supposed to feel? Are we supposed to feel outrage over it? I don't feel any outrage over it. Are we supposed to feel anger? I don't feel any anger over this. Do we feel happy? Well -- uh -- do we feel kind of going like, “neh-neh-neh-neh”? I'm sure that your emotions are running the gamut when you hear that two New York Times reporters have been detained along with other journalists in Egypt. Remember now, we're supporting the people who are doing this.


Limbaugh Walks Back Statement That He Feels No Outrage About Mistreatment Of Journalists In Egypt