By Greg Lewis
Rush got back from the Jay Leno day off by picking up on the right-wing-drummed-up kids-sing-for-Obama nonstory. Rush said that it was impossible to overstate the impact this would have on parents. Then Rush got sidetracked over a comment made by's Mike Stark on MSNBC, in which Stark criticized Rush for calling "Obama a Nazi." Rush was in his usual denial mode:
LIMBAUGH: I did not call Obama a Nazi; I called him a fascist. I said Pelosi called all of us Nazis. And what I did was I compared Obama's health care policies to the Nazis' health care policy. You know, the Nazis did a lot of things besides the Holocaust. The Holocaust was the last thing they did, but stuff leading up to it, I mean, Obama could have written the playbook. Health care -- they tried the same thing. I mean, they were National Socialists; that's what the Nazis were.
Let me just emphasize the second half of that remark, as it appears to contradict his already-false claim that he “did not call Obama a Nazi”:
LIMBAUGH: The Holocaust was the last thing they did, but stuff leading up to it, I mean, Obama could have written the playbook. Health care -- they tried the same thing. I mean, they were National Socialists; that's what the Nazis were.
Rush the latest in conservative media pile-on over kids-sing-for-Obama nonstory
Anyway, Rush returned to the conservative nonstory of the week, comparing the children-singing video to what happens in Cuba and Venezuela, calling the teacher leading the exercise a nutjob. Then Rush went on about how “everyone” is “mad as hell” about the stimulus, how people “do not want” Obama's health care plan, and bemoaned how it is being crammed down people's throats. Rush even made the bizarrely false claim that Obama will not let anybody read the health care bills being considered. We call that strange since they're all available via this thing called “the Internet.”
Then Rush talked about his appearance on last night's Jay Leno Show, in which Rush lied about the cause of the financial meltdown and twice ran over a cardboard cutout of Al Gore. Rush went on to gloat about how great he was during he appearance.
Rush asks if the point of Obama's U.N. speech was to say: “Down with the United States as it has been”
After the break, Rush discussed Obama's speech at the U.N. earlier this week, describing it as such:
LIMBAUGH: Ronald Reagan -- famous, famous statement, many famous statements -- Ronald Reagan: “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.” Barack Obama goes to the United Nations, and his slogan may as well be about the United States: “Tear down this country.”
Then Rush got to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to the U.N., claiming that the U.N.'s only purpose was to “fleece” Western democracies, and again stated that Obama “is in line with” people who don't like us. Rush went on to reference a New York Post column about the speech.
Next, Rush endeavored to link Obama to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, reading from an Iranian press report which Rush claimed said Ahmadinejad “agrees” with Obama that the actions of the U.S. government have been deplorable (we think you'd have to be really hard pressed to draw the same conclusion as El Rushbo). Rush went on to speculate that Obama isn't “bothered by it at all” that Ahmadinejad is saying he agrees with Obama. “Wasn't that the point of Obama's speech to the U.N.? To say, 'Down with the United States as it has been?' ” asked Rush.
Rush: “Being brainwashed or mentally deranged is the only way anyone could possibly think Obama is good for this country”
After another break, Rush mocked “little man” Obama throwing down the gauntlet to Ahmadinejad after Iran revealed the existence of a second uranium enrichment plant. Rush went on to talk about how “leftist appeasers” like then-Sen. Obama embraced the 2007 National Intelligence Estimate, which said President Bush was lying about Iraq WMDs. Rush read some remarks by Obama at the time, back when Obama was running for his party's nomination to be president of a country “he didn't even like.”
Continuing his rant, Rush declared that Obama is wrong about everything and “beguiled his way” into office. Rush added that Obama “prefers the company” of people like Reverend Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers, and went on to compare Obama unfavorably to a broken clock:
LIMBAUGH: Actually, I would say Obama is worse than a broken clock. A broken clock is right at least twice a day. Obama isn't. A broken clock is more accurate than Barack Obama. Obama's not right two times a day, much less two times in his five-minute career. No wonder he wants to indoctrinate our children. Being brainwashed or mentally deranged is the only way anyone could possibly think Obama is good for this country.
On the other side of the break, Rush returned and aired sound bites of the kids singing about Obama that he hyped earlier in the hour, again comparing them to Cuba and Venezuela. Then Rush played the aforementioned sound bite of FireDogLake's Mike Stark on MSNBC calling it a fake controversy, and bringing up Rush's previously calling Obama a Nazi. Rush rebutted with more denial:
LIMBAUGH: So, anyway, I'm to blame for the video, because I compared Obama to the National Socialists of Germany. And it's -- let me tell ya something, folks. Hitler was a man of the left, there's no denying it. Look at everything that guy did before you get to the Holocaust -- you can't ignore just because of the Holocaust, everything else he did; you got to look at the total thing. It's dangerously similar.
Rush also responded to Stark's assertion that the real school controversy should be over the Texas State Board of Education's debate over the teaching of evolution.
LIMBAUGH: It's nothing we had anything to do with. It got some radical leftist ideologue brainwashing a bunch of kids. The Texas curriculum -- what really upsets him about the Texas -- Texas public school textbook controversy is that they're gonna teach about me, properly, in the Texas -- in some of the Texas textbooks.
Hour two began with Rush talking about how on June 2 of this year, Obama said Iran's aspirations of nuclear power are legitimate if they prove their aspirations are peaceful. Next, Rush read about New York Gov. David Paterson's wife reportedly saying she was “stunned” that Obama didn't want her husband to run for reelection. Then Rush described the myriad of terror plots out there, and said that when the Bush administration announced these kinds of threats, Democrats would say that Bush was lying.
Then Rush ranted about the labeling of the G-20 protesters in Pittsburgh this week:
LIMBAUGH: Anyway, these protests at the G-20 -- I've noticed something about these. Every time there's a G-anything protest, have you noticed the protests stop being leftists, they become anarchists? Have you ever noticed this? Isn't it funny -- isn't it funny how as soon as these peace-loving leftists put down their daisy chains and they start throwing rocks through store windows, the media stop calling them leftists? They suddenly become anarchists. And, of course, anarchists never described as being from the left or the right. We're supposed to think that they're from both sides of the political spectrum. That way the left isn't tarred with being violent and destructive.
Next up was a Washington Post article reporting on dire climate change predictions that would happen “even if the world's leaders fulfill their most ambitious climate pledges.” Rush took this as a good reason not to enact any climate change policy.
Then Rush commented on U.S. funding of Libyan organizations:
LIMBAUGH: You know that we were going to give $2.5 million in aid to Libya through the State Department -- the U.S. Agency for International Development? And the State Department now says they're rethinking this, giving $2.5 million in aid to Libya, including two foundations run by Gadhafi's sons. This is after lawmakers on Thursday asked it to cancel the plan because of Gadhafi's speech. But we were gonna do it in the first place.
LIMBAUGH: Two and a half million dollars in aid to charities run by Gadhafi's sons. Hasn't been rescinded yet; they're just rethinking it.
Of course, Rush didn't mention that the U.S. government also funded those charities during the Bush administration.
Rush wonders if Democrats will make law enforcement officials interrogate recent terror suspects at Starbucks. “I mean, if they don't cooperate, what can we do?” asked Rush
After the break, Rush came back with a caller who brought up Rush's Leno appearance, which gave Rush another opportunity to blather about the things he did and said in front of a primetime national television audience. He continued to talk about this after another commercial break, repeating his falsehood that Bill Clinton, Barney Frank, and Chris Dodd were the cause of the financial crisis. The next caller on the show again brought up Leno, which again led Rush to muse about what he didn't get a chance to talk about during the interview.
After another break, Rush returned to the recently uncovered terror plots that have been popping up. Rush took this shot at Democrats over interrogation:
LIMBAUGH: The FBI says they do not know if these individual terror suspects are acting alone. The Democrat party is as we speak undoing the laws that would help us catch these people. And we already know what the Democrat party and Obama think of interrogating these terrorist types. So what kind of questions are we asking them? We don't know if they're working alone. Where are we conducting the interrogations? Starbucks?
What can we ask 'em? I mean, if they don't cooperate, what can we do? I'm serious. What good is interrogating them when any form of interrogation, according to this administration, is torture, and Obama just told them at the U.N. that we're not gonna do that anymore.
The next caller on the show rambled about the threat posed by Hugo Chavez toward the rest of Latin America. Rush replied by touting Obama's “comfort” with leaders like Chavez and Ortega:
LIMBAUGH: Obama envies the power a Castro has. He envies the power that a Chavez has. I mean, that's -- all leftists envy that kind of power. But you know this video with the school kids? Have you seen that, have you heard that?
CALLER: Oh, I've seen it several times.
LIMBAUGH: All right.
CALLER: The only thing I watch anymore is Fox.
LIMBAUGH: Well, let me tell you something. That's no different -- it's the same thing as the White House orchestrating propaganda with the National Endowment for the Arts. It's no different than what ACORN's doing.
In which we posit that Rush recently re-watched Red Dawn
The third and final hour of Limbaugh began with Rush predicting that Iran would get a nuclear weapon. Rush rambled on about the Obama administration not having any leverage over anybody and played audio bites of Obama's speech today about Iran. Reacting to Obama talking about nuclear disarmament, Limbaugh said:
LIMBAUGH: What in the name of Sam Hill's he talking about? What nuclear nation is proceeding to disarmament except us? Are the Russians getting rid of their nukes? Pakistan, India -- are they getting rid of theirs? Is Israel -- they've got 'em -- are they getting rid of theirs? Hell, no. What is he talking about here? All nations with nukes are committed to disarming them?
Uh, yeah, Rush, the Russians are getting rid of their nukes and have been since the Reagan years. Rush added:
LIMBAUGH: What has kept us safe for decades is peace through strength and the realization that if you hit us we can destroy you in our counterattack. And now Obama's committed to giving that away.
Rush later commented that Obama was “stunned” about the second Iranian nuclear facility. But Rush is getting the story wrong. As The New York Times reported, it's not Obama who was caught by surprise, but the Iranians who were surprised that the U.S. has known about the plant for years. From the Times article:
American officials said that they had been tracking the covert project for years, but that Mr. Obama decided to disclose the American findings after Iran discovered, in recent weeks, that Western intelligence agencies had breached the secrecy surrounding the complex. On Monday, Iran wrote a brief, cryptic letter to the International Atomic Energy Agency, saying that it now had a “pilot plant” under construction, whose existence it had never before revealed.
Rush to Native Americans: “They all have casinos. What's to complain about?”
Then Rush went back to talking about Ahmadinejad and his supposed agreement with Obama in thinking about Iran. Rush aired an audio clip originally played by MSNBC of Time's editorial board interviewing Ahmadinejad. Naturally, Rush's next subject was Hugo Chavez's speech to the U.N. and his appearance on Larry King Live, which Rush played sound bites from both. What really irked us was Rush's response to what Chavez said on Larry King:
CHAVEZ: I do not deny the Jewish Holocaust. And I condemn it. But in South America, when the Europeans arrived, there were close to 90 million Indians; 200 years later, we only had four million remaining. That was a holocaust. And the Europeans denied this holocaust.
Rush replied:
LIMBAUGH: And what is the -- holocaust? Ninety million Indians? Only 4 million left? They all have casinos. What's to complain about?
After the break, Rush took a caller who suggested that Democrats who disagree with Obama on health care take control of their party by changing their voter affiliation. Rush said conservatives need to do the same thing, but feared a third party movement. This led to Rush talking about his appearance on Leno again, complete with a reference to Ted Kennedy:
LIMBAUGH: You know, last night, Leno asked me if I like somebody for president. And I was reaching for a cup that had ice water in it -- “Anybody you like for president?” I said, “Yeah, me.” Audience laughed. Somebody after the show, I'm walking out, “Would you ever really run?” No, no, no, no. But if I did, I said, I'd do it as a Democrat. “Why? Why would you run as a Democrat?” Because they couldn't run any negative commercials about me. Democrats don't get criticized for anything. I mean, I could probably drive a woman off a bridge in a car if I were a Democrat and get elected.
On the flip side of the next commercial break, Rush pointed to a Gallup poll showing Obama's approval rating at 50 percent. Rush wondered what stunt Obama would pull next to get his numbers back up. Then Rush played a few sound bites from Netanyahu's U.N. speech, calling it a moment of sanity.
The next caller on the show disagreed with Rush, comparing what Republicans did during Clinton -- accusing Clinton of going after terrorists just to take the heat off the Lewinsky scandal -- is the same as Republicans saying that Obama is using the H1N1 virus to distract from health care. Rush denied taking part in this tactic, explaining that he only accused the Obama administration of hyping H1N1 to grab more government power, not to distract from health care. Finally, Rush read about Sen. John Ensign (R-Glenn Beck's America) receiving a handwritten note about the penalties for not paying the fee associated with the proposed individual mandate for health care. It's either jail or health care, said Rush.
Zachary Aronow and Zachary Pleat contributed to this edition of the Limbaugh Wire.
Outrageous comments
LIMBAUGH: Ronald Reagan -- famous, famous statement, many famous statements -- Ronald Reagan: “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.” Barack Obama goes to the United Nations, and his slogan may as well be about the United States: “Tear down this country.”
LIMBAUGH: Wasn't that the point of Obama's speech to the U.N.? To say, “Down with the United States as it has been?”
LIMBAUGH: Actually, I would say Obama is worse than a broken clock. A broken clock is right at least twice a day. Obama isn't. A broken clock is more accurate than Barack Obama. Obama's not right two times a day, much less two times in his five-minute career. No wonder he wants to indoctrinate our children. Being brainwashed or mentally deranged is the only way anyone could possibly think Obama is good for this country.
LIMBAUGH: It's nothing we had anything to do with. It got some radical leftist ideologue brainwashing a bunch of kids. The Texas curriculum -- what really upsets him about the Texas -- Texas public school textbook controversy is that they're gonna teach about me, properly, in the Texas -- in some of the Texas textbooks.
So, anyway, I'm to blame for the video, because I compared Obama to the National Socialists of Germany. And it's -- let me tell ya something, folks. Hitler was a man of the left, there's no denying it. Look at everything that guy did before you get to the Holocaust -- you can't ignore just because of the Holocaust, everything else he did; you got to look at the total thing. It's dangerously similar.
LIMBAUGH: Anyway, these protests at the G-20 -- I've noticed something about these. Every time there's a G-anything protest, have you noticed the protests stop being leftists, they become anarchists? Have you ever noticed this? Isn't it funny -- isn't it funny how as soon as these peace-loving leftists put down their daisy chains and they start throwing rocks through store windows, the media stop calling them leftists? They suddenly become anarchists. And, of course, anarchists never described as being from the left or the right. We're supposed to think that they're from both sides of the political spectrum. That way the left isn't tarred with being violent and destructive.
But it's the same bunch of people that are always protest -- protest everything. The same exact groups that you would see at any peaceful leftist protest on any issue. Even Code Pink is in Pittsburgh, camping out in Tent City like Gadhafi did. I mean, some of them put bandanas over their faces and they wear black clothes, but it's the same usual suspects. It's the animal rights crowd, it's the environmental wackos -- it's all -- it's the same bunch. The nuclear freeze people, the anti-nuke people, the global peace march for whatever -- it's the same bunch of people at every protest. But now all of a sudden, when they get violent, it's those darned anarchists. The anarchists -- the last time they showed up was in Seattle, we had a G-something there.
LIMBAUGH: You know that we were going to give $2.5 million in aid to Libya through the State Department -- the U.S. Agency for International Development? And the State Department now says they're rethinking this, giving $2.5 million in aid to Libya, including two foundations run by Gadhafi's sons. This is after lawmakers on Thursday asked it to cancel the plan because of Gadhafi's speech. But we were gonna do it in the first place.
LIMBAUGH: Two and a half million dollars in aid to charities run by Gadhafi's sons. Hasn't been rescinded yet; they're just rethinking it.
LIMBAUGH: Now back to these terror suspects. The FBI says they do not know if these individual terror suspects are acting alone. The Democrat party is as we speak undoing the laws that would help us catch these people. And we already know what the Democrat party and Obama think of interrogating these terrorist types. So what kind of questions are we asking them? We don't know if they're working alone. Where are we conducting the interrogations? Starbucks?
What can we ask 'em? I mean, if they don't cooperate, what can we do? I'm serious. What good is interrogating them when any form of interrogation, according to this administration, is torture, and Obama just told them at the U.N. that we're not gonna do that anymore.
LIMBAUGH: Obama envies the power a Castro has. He envies the power that a Chavez has. I mean, that's -- all leftists envy that kind of power. But you know this video with the school kids? Have you seen that, have you heard that?
CALLER: Oh, I've seen it several times.
LIMBAUGH: All right.
CALLER: The only thing I watch anymore is Fox.
LIMBAUGH: Well, let me tell you something. That's no different -- it's the same thing as the White House orchestrating propaganda with the National Endowment for the Arts. It's no different than what ACORN's doing.
LIMBAUGH: What in the name of Sam Hill's he talking about? What nuclear nation is proceeding to disarmament except us? Are the Russians getting rid of their nukes? Pakistan, India -- are they getting rid of theirs? Is Israel -- they've got 'em -- are they getting rid of theirs? Hell, no. What is he talking about here? All nations with nukes are committed to disarming them? What has kept us safe for decades is peace through strength and the realization that if you hit us we can destroy you in our counterattack. And now Obama's committed to giving that away.
LIMBAUGH: And what is the -- holocaust? Ninety million Indians? Only 4 million left? They all have casinos. What's to complain about?
LIMBAUGH: You know, last night, Leno asked me if I like somebody for president. And I was reaching for a cup that had ice water in it -- “Anybody you like for president?” I said, “Yeah, me.” Audience laughed. Somebody after the show, I'm walking out, “Would you ever really run?” No, no, no, no. But if I did, I said, I'd do it as a Democrat. “Why? Why would you run as a Democrat?” Because they couldn't run any negative commercials about me. Democrats don't get criticized for anything. I mean, I could probably drive a woman off a bridge in a car if I were a Democrat and get elected.
America's Truth Rejecter
LIMBAUGH: Some blogger at -- whatever it's called -- says that this is a fake controversy created because I called Obama a Nazi. I did not call Obama a Nazi; I called him a fascist. I said Pelosi called all of us Nazis. And what I did was I compared Obama's health care policies to the Nazis' health care policy. You know, the Nazis did a lot of things besides the Holocaust. The Holocaust was the last thing they did, but stuff leading up to it, I mean, Obama could have written the playbook. Health care -- they tried the same thing. I mean, they were National Socialists; that's what the Nazis were.