Limbaugh: “If a terrorist had done to the oil industry in the Gulf what Obama” did, even Holder would indict him

By Mike Burns

Rush Limbaugh opened today's show by repeatedly calling the president “Barack Hoover Obama,” a continuation of his policy from the day before. After mentioning that Obama will host an Iftar dinner in commemoration of Ramadan at the White House tonight, Rush turned his attention to the Gulf oil spill. He contended that the oil spill crisis was manufactured by the Obama administration and other “crisis monger[s]” to shut down the oil industry. In arguing that jobs in the Gulf region were lost as a result of the president's policies, Rush claimed, “If a terrorist had done to the oil industry in the Gulf what Obama has done, even Eric Holder would bring him up on charges.”

Rush continued discussing the oil spill and offshore drilling during the second hour of his show, and even introduced a new catchphrase: “Obama lied, the oil business died.” Rush then turned to the phones, and in response to a caller asserted that “Barack Obama equals politics of grievance.” Rush also called Pelosi and Obama “kooks” and asserted that Reid is “not even stable.” He also attacked the Obama administration as a “coterie of 1960s hippies and neo-communists.”

In the final hour of the show, Rush said that none of Obama's policies is going to improve the economy. He also said that if Obama doesn't change his policies, the economy is going to get worse and that Democrats are obsessed with power.

Here are some highlights from today's show:

Limbaugh: Even well-paid person faces foreclosure “in Barack Hoover Obama's America”

Limbaugh: “There was no reason for a panic” in the Gulf, but “a crisis is too great a thing to waste”

Limbaugh: “If a terrorist had done to the oil industry in the Gulf what Obama” did, even Holder would indict him

Limbaugh: Obama and Pelosi are “kooks”; Reid is “not even stable”

Limbaugh: “It's the Democrats that try to keep black people out of political powerful positions, it ain't us”